Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring (or winter) break

 This has not been the spring break I had fantasized about.  For one thing, the weather has NOT cooperated at all.  It has been cold, and we got a huge snow storm which I am not taking photos of because I am so tired of taking photos of the snow.  YUCK is all I can say!  It has been a little too much indoor time and I am usually not one who is ever ready to send the kids back to school, but this time --- well Monday cannot come soon enough!  :)
 We did get some of the unpacking done, and are feeling pretty settled into Amityville.  The kids had a cooking meeting, where Madison was the junior leader and was supposed to come up with some creative ideas to do with the kids.  She practiced here making pig cupcakes which turned out pretty cute!  The 4-H group had a good time and they made lots of awesome "Preston approved food" which included broiler s'mores, butterfly hot dogs and pig cupcakes!

We did have one afternoon of fun when we visited the Lawrence Aquatic Center.  Grandma Chris might have gotten more exercise than she bargained for when swimming with Quincy.  It was a good blow off of a bunch of steam before we had a 6 inch snow and more gross weather!

Colin made it home from Missouri.  He had a great time fishing, but only caught one rainbow trout.  He said that it was tough to catch them!  He has cleaned the fish and is wanting to cook it soon.  He also said it was so cold that the poles would freeze up and you couldn't cast.  I don't think that sounds very fun, but he insisted that it was!!

Jim and I are currently spending time looking at all of our options on house purchasing.  We are looking seriously at a house that will be auctioned off on Thursday.  I don't have any idea what the odds are of us actually winning the auction, but I lack for entertainment in my life, so I am excited to go and give my bidding skills a little work out.  We are also looking at some other houses in the country.  I really want to build eventually, but with the many, many foreclosures on the market, it seems silly not to at least look.  Plus, I like looking at houses anyhow, good ideas for decorating sometimes reveal themselves that way!

Grandma continues to get stronger, and seems to be holding her own.  I was able to go down yesterday with my brother and she was sitting up and able to visit with us for a while.  I do not know what her long term outcome will be after surgery, but all we can do is pray for her.

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