Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor day weekend

 I always enjoy a 3 day weekend.  Life just seems better when you can start the week out on a Tuesday!  We had a little bit of down time between football practices, fall baseball practice, and trying to catch up the laundry.  The little ones are pretty easily entertained.  Preston even had a friend over and they played for hours in the yard, with the neighbor kids, building a fort on the front porch and "hunting" for red foxes and black wolves.  I am pretty sure no critters were hurt with their nerf guns!

 The kids hung out with Jim on Saturday while I went to Augusta and helped finish cleaning out my grandparents house.  I am so happy to have that task behind us.  The family seemed like they didn't miss me much while I was gone, and I did enjoy having a little time to visit with my siblings.  Sorry mom, but we all decided we are not cleaning out your house.....we are having a bonfire and roasting wieners.  Benefit of country life!  :)

We also had a first in our parenting adventure when one of our children decided they were old enough to try sneaking out.  I won't mention any names, but there is a certain truck which will be sitting in my driveway for a while because it has an owner who is not allowed to drive it.  We are thankful that nobody was hurt, and equally thankful for the ability to "bust" our kids and make them pay the consequences.  And I am happy because I didn't have to spend my holiday cleaning out my cars, mowing my yard, cleaning out cat litter boxes, or doing dishes!

1 comment:

  1. It is with my BLESSINGS that you light that match. I love a good fire, so you know I will be smiling "up" at you. ;-) Do it! (just get anything valuable out... like my KU basketball!)... Love ya...
