Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another marathon weekend

 On Friday, the kids had the day off of school (for what reason....we don't really know).  We needed a day to get caught up, especially after all the crazy of Halloween.  The kids also had their annual fall 4-H kick off the year party.  I never really knew why the 4-H year starts in the fall....but there are apparently a lot of things I don't understand.  Anyhow, the kids had a fun time.  Madison helped with games.  They had their annual cow tongue football game too, of course.  Preston was pretty pumped about this!  

 Fortunately, someone was smart and got 2 cow tongues, so they could separate the little kids from the big ones - the big guys get a little rough!  And cow tongues are not really nice to be hit with!
 Quincy had a great time hanging out with her friends!  She is super excited that a couple of her good friends are joining 4-H with her this year!

 Sadly, this is Mallory and Madison's last year!  :(

 The kids enjoyed decorating cookies that Madison had baked.  The party ended rather abruptly when a storm blew in!
 Saturday, Quincy had her end of season soccer tournament.  Her team did great, winning their first 2 games!

 Unfortunately, they did not win their final game, so they got 2nd place in the tournament.  Second place is still pretty good!  Quincy played really well.  She even got a couple of goals.  These kids only lost one game all season - the final game of the tournament!  They had a great season and a great coach!

 And a girl is always happy if she gets some bling to put around her neck!  She is convinced this is "real silver" and is worth a lot of money.  We are pretty convinced maybe we should stop letting the kids watch Pawn Stars!

 Madison also sold her car this weekend.  The reverse had started slipping, and it had a few other problems she could not afford to fix, so she made the decision to let Mary Anne go.  It was a sad day, for her and especially for Jim!  The good news is that she sold it to a friend of mine.  Her husband is going to fix the car up for their daughter.  This means the car will once again be cherished by a new driver!  It has been a great first car and we hope it will be for their family as well!
 A couple weeks ago, our landlord made us an offer we couldn't refuse and we bought the Amityville house.  We are still planning to build, but this will buy us a little time, and we hope may be a little money maker project for us.  First step, we are having it painted.  The yellow parts are siding.  The siding is grody, so we are having it power washed, and then just painting the trim.  It has needed this for a  while.  This old house is in desperate need of some love.  I am excited to have a project to sink my "spare time" into.  We are painting the lower level ourselves, and we have hired a local man to help with the high stuff.  We all know how well I like heights!  :)  I am super excited to see the finished project!  These are the before pictures....well except the one of the back, we started painting before I thought about wanting before shots!  The house has a lot of cedar trim, and it is in rough shape -- mostly because cedar is a rough wood, but also because its old.  The painting has been a little bit harder than I would like it to be! 

 We debated about maybe doing brown trim, but in the end decided to stick with the white.....mostly because I feared the house would look like a giant sunflower when we were done....and I hate sunflowers!

 Saige has been a little too excited by her stash of Halloween candy.  She got up this morning and when I asked her what she wanted for breakfast she declared "candy!"  Well that didn't happen!  But I told her when we got home from church maybe she could have some.  Well, low and behold, she managed to get into her bucket when we were cooking lunch!  She was rather pleased with herself!  If you can't decide which flavor you want, go ahead and eat 4 suckers!
Preston was supposed to play flag football this afternoon, but the game was cancelled.  I know he was disappointed, but it was sure nice to have a little extra time at home!

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