Tuesday, November 12, 2013

so long football season

 On Sunday, Preston's team played their last flag football game for this season.  I really like flag football, I think it is fun for the kids, low stress since there is no score keeping (unless you are a child of ours), and Sunday afternoons in the fall are generally pretty nice to sit outside for a while.
 The coach was one of Preston's best friends dad.  He is really good with the kids, likes them to learn something, and is patient and kind to them.  I like having him for a coach.  He was also Preston's baseball coach this summer.  I hope that he will continue to coach these boys because he does a good job.

 In flag football, everyone gets a medal at the end.  Preston was excited about this, but somehow there was a very long discussion over whether his football medal was worth more money than Quincy's soccer medal from a couple weeks ago.  Quincy is absolutely convinced her medal is pure silver, and thus worth about $1000.  She is also convinced that Preston's is not worth nearly that amount!  My trying to convince her that anyone can buy these medals for around $4 each did not go over very well!  Again, I am convinced that we should stop watching Pawn Stars on TV!
 We went out for dinner with Jim's folks after the final game.  The kids love Golden Corral....I am going on record here to say that I believe they love it because of the desert bar.  Saige was pretty pleased with her brothers!  We were all having a nice meal, and then it happened.  Colin said to Cam "you cannot eat an entire bowl of caramel."  Cameron responded with "challenge accepted."  
Colin was wrong, Cameron can indeed eat an entire bowl of caramel.  And I made Cameron  ride home in Jim's car....because I have heard enough stories from my husband to know where Cameron inherited his ability to eat an entire bowl of caramel.
The moral of the story - I cannot take my children into public places, and I am excessively happy that it is now time for indoor sports - no more freezing outside watching games!


  1. Caramel...that's nothing. I once witnessed Jim downing a bottle of Tabasco!

  2. and at Perkins the following theorem was proven

    3 bottles of syrup no problem, issues arose after bottle 4
