Thursday, August 21, 2014

Since school started....

Saige has been a bit lonely.  She took up a new cause.  She is the spokesmodel for skin protection from sun damage.  Especially important are your hands and legs.  
I made an executive decision that cows and goats should be allowed to roam the yard in the afternoons.   I just open the gate and then keep an eye on them.  They generally do not go far.  Flashy likes to dig a little hole in the cool sand under the pool deck and lay there.  He was whining and acting weird.  That is when I discovered Ryan MOOler had taken over his spot!  Flashy is a lot like Sheldon. Nobody sits in his spot!  
Despite going school shopping with the lists provided by the school, Colin and Cameron came home with a list of things they 'need'.  I made a quick run to Walmart this evening and came back to find this little guy in between the flower beds on our driveway.  I seriously have spent my life preaching to the kids not to kill snakes, but somehow seeing a rattle snake 10 feet from my front door didn't set too well!   I tried to hit it with the van.  I missed.  I didn't want to let it out of my sight, so I called first Jim, who didn't answer his phone and then Colin, who was fresh home from football and was in the shower!  Colin came out after a minute wearing underwear and flip flops.  Perfect rattle snake killing attire.  He killed it with a shovel.  I made the kids study it.  We shook the rattles so they could hear the sound it makes.  I pray we never see another one, but realistically, we live in a rattlesnake habitat here!  
And being Colin, well then you have to fry it up.  Colin and his friend Matt breaded it, fried it and yes they did, they ate it.  Rednecks!  They said it tasted like chicken. 

1 comment:

  1. We live in Rattlesnake country too, thankfully none have been found near the house. Ack... I'm not sure I would have let it be cooked in my pan but if he did it all himself... Maybe! How did he figure out what to skin, remove, etc.???
    I love keeping up with your family, one of these days when I am back home we need to get together!
