Sunday, September 10, 2017

Huff 'N Puff

We had a busy day yesterday, but a while back I made a promise to Harper that we could go see the balloons at the Huff 'N Puff balloon fest this weekend. We scrambled around after the fishing derby, flew to church, ran home to do evening chores, and managed to make it before the balloons were put up for the night!

Sometimes when I tell the kids things, I have not clearly thought through the timing. This worked out though, and I am so glad we took the time to go! It meant we ate dinner at 9:00 last night, but nobody complained!

Harper's favorite was the Carpet Plus balloon. I am not sure I understand her fascination with that one, but she was a happy kid! Quincy asked a lot of questions of the balloon teams. I am always pleased at how kind these people are and patient with the kids- answering all their questions while holding down giant balloons.

They even let the girls take a turn holding down a balloon. Harper said it felt like that balloon was going to fall down right on top of her!

Glad I got to spend an evening with my girls!

1 comment:

  1. My kids LOVE hot Air Balloons! I LOVE evening twilight too- when they light up and the colors are so bright... It just makes my heart happy! It has been a few years since we have been to a festival... I think I need to get it back on my list!
