My boys (all of them - including the one I married) love cutting stuff apart. We had a tree that died in the yard. They have been clearing the fence row, but took a break from the red cedars to chop down this bad boy. They had it down and were cutting the wood up when I got home from the ball park. They were having too much fun for me to feel bad about them working while I was gone! The girls were happy to join in the evening of excitement. I enjoy these people tremendously. I had to laugh as the conversation took a switch to the dark side for a while since our dog is in heat. These little people are getting more of an education than what I bargained for when we decided to pretend to be farmers!
The younger crowd and I attended Harper's ball game in Lyndon. She had some great at bats, and made a great play catching a pop fly at shortstop. Her coach bought her ice cream and everything! It was an interesting game. A beautiful day, with one cloud which parked over the ball park and wet everything down. Since there was no lightening, and the sky was actually almost clear, they played in the rain. Little girls are easily distracted and the rain did nothing to help them! The rainbow did not help either. Imagine about 18 girls aged 7/8 all engrossed in a rain dance and rainbow watching. At least it wasn't contained to just our side!
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