Thursday, November 1, 2018

Halloween 2018

Everyone knows Halloween is my favorite!  We had a great one!  We started out watching the Overbrook parade downtown.  (Well....technically I watched and Jim worked handing out candy from the city).  Every single year, I go up there and watch Jim almost run out of candy.  Every time I worry that the city will get egged for not having enough to cover all the kids.  So this year, I made him grab a few extra bags.  We might have over-done it!  :)  But he did not run out!  I love seeing all the costumes.  Some of the people are so creative!

This was not Mallory's first parade, but it was her first parade as a teacher!  She was dressed as Ms. Frizzle, but you can't see her costume very well in the picture I snapped.  She had to hold on to the end of a kid's dress because it was long and she kept tripping!  She is a good teacher and you can tell the kids love her!

My nephew was a shark.  He was happy to stop and let me take a picture!  

Harper was not very happy to stop and take a picture.  Luckily, her bff convinced her that they could take a picture together!  They were matching (kind of) Harley Quinn's.  I had no idea who Harley Quinn was until last week.  I guess I am not as much of a nerd as the kids think!  Harper loved her costume, and she loves having a bff!

And then there is Saige.  She wanted to be Mars.  I got excited thinking of the chocolate company.  NO! MOM  THE PLANET!!
Ok so I am creative, and I love to do a project, but this sort of had me stumped.  My friend Grace embraced the idea and sent me a couple of ideas.  Then we went to Mesa on vacation.  Saige found an astronaut costume at the Halloween store there.  I told her I did not want to try to bring it home in the car for that long of a drive, and that we would grab one at the same store in Kansas.  Except in Kansas the one they had left was a size 16.  And they did not have the helmet.  Of course they didn't.  After much debate (and a few tears) I found a rocket costume on clearance at Party America.  She LOVED it!  I find her quirky personality amusing. 

I believe this will be Preston's last Halloween to dress up.  He was reluctant at best.  He did not want me to buy or make him a costume at all.  Instead, he dressed as a sport's fan and called it a day.  It sort of made me sad.  My kids are growing up too fast.  

Quincy was Lil Pump.  I have no idea why, and I have no idea what that is, but if you google it, you will see that we nailed it!  Haha!  Of course, she and Landrie always have to coordinate.  I love these girls.  They are funny, and creative and don't really care what anyone else thinks.  For the first time, we allowed them to go trick or treating on their own.  I gave them the lecture.  I reminded Quincy she is a representative of our family even if we are not together.  I was very proud when she told me that the friends they went with were doing some pranks and that they had walked away.

Preston ended up with his friends, but started out helping the girls at trunk or treat.  I love how he jumps in to help his sisters!  We saw this multiple times over the course of our vacation last week.  He is a good big brother. 

With everyone either grown up, or going out with friends, that left Dusty and I with only 3 trick or treaters.  They had fun and got a great haul.  Dusty and I had a few hours to visit and laugh.  It was a great Halloween!  I loved every minute!

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