Monday, March 25, 2019


I think it is safe to say we are all smitten with a certain little cutie pie.  She has settled right in, and we are all getting back into the swing of having a baby around!  I cannot get over how perfect she is!  I love this new grammy role!  It is a great thing when you add members to your family!

Unfortunately for some little girls, the time has come to also subtract some members from the family.  The puppies have officially been weaned, and are starting to trickle out to their forever homes.  There have definitely been some sad moments at our house.  I would say that I am sorry for breaking the girl's hearts, but there have been some pretty neat moments from this experience.  Loving something that you are selling is always hard, but we have some amazing stories to tell.  The puppy above the girls named Runt.  Mallory especially was very attached, and to the point of tears over her leaving. BUT this particular dog went back to the people that we bought Blitz from.  Blitz's mother was stolen last summer, and Blitz's father died of old age around Christmas time.  This family was so excited to have their dog's grandpup!  It was very touching to see them getting choked up because they were so happy to be getting back a piece of some of the dogs they had loved.  Our hearts are happy knowing that this dog will be loved and cherished.

Quincy was fond of this little girl who she called Licky.  Licky went home yesterday to a lady who is moving out of her parent's home for the first time and is happy to have her as company in her new journey.  She was so happy, and excited, it was hard to be sad about letting go!  A few tears were shed, but they have promised the girls updates!  Knowing we will be getting pictures occasionally definitely makes it easier to say goodbye!

We hadn't been back from delivering Licky for more than an hour when the people we sold her to had their next door neighbor call us and buy the red female that the girls named Chocolate Chunk.  Chunk is Harper's favorite, but again, we lucked out and the people have agreed to send updates.  I am feeling good about this.  Harper said she knew that they should not have picked favorites! 

We only had this pup left.  Fello.  Saige's favorite, and the one that Jim has also gotten very attached to.  Saige cried enough tears that we knew we must take a bold step for his new home.  Which is why we have decided that he will go live with my cousin Janet.  Saige will get visitation and pictures.  Saige is still convinced the dog should stay with us, but did consent to cousin Janet taking over his care. Janet is thrilled, Saige is happy.  Hope is happy because, frankly the basement is starting to smell like a vet clinic and I am ready for less work down there!  Do I think we will do this again?  Yes, I do.  Will it be the next time the dog cycles?  I don't think so!  I will need more time to recover!   I would say that I am thankful for how easily these sold, and that I have been touched by some of what has happened because of them.  I also think it has been a good experience for the kids, and we made enough money to send them to camp this summer!  Good experience overall! 

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