Monday, March 4, 2019

Freed up

We had planned what was an incredibly packed weekend.  But due to the weather (again) we had a lot of things get cancelled or postponed.  It freed up a lot of time and running, which at the time was necessary, but it always just makes the next week crazier, as it gets rescheduled.  
The 4-H biscuit and gravy breakfast fundraiser did not get rescheduled.  We had the early shift, the set up, and cook the food shift.  The kids on that shift had an early morning, but they worked hard and seemed like they were having a lot of fun.  The younger girls and I worked the clean up shift as well, but I failed to take pictures of their hard work sweeping and mopping!  The kids sold a lot of breakfasts.  It was incredibly lucrative!
After our shift, Quincy and Landrie had a league choir contest, and then Quincy went shopping and spent the night with Landrie.  I never heard much about the contest and do not know how it went.  Jim and I ran to get groceries and ran into them at Orschlin's though, and they seemed like they were having a great time shopping!  It was sort of amusing, they had baby chicks out.  I had just said to Jim "it's a good thing Quincy isn't here, she would want to take home chicks!"  we walked around the corner, and there were Quincy and Landrie.  The first thing Quincy said was "mom....can I use the rest of the money you gave me to buy some chicks?"  Negative child - it is much too cold!  

Madison and Andrew had to run some errands.  They asked Saige if she would dog sit for Bailey while they were gone.  Saige took the job very seriously.  She reported to me that she had taken the dog out to potty, gave her a cookie and a belly rub.  She also read the dog a book she made, and put Bailey down for a nap!

The dog kept looking at me like "I don't know why this kid won't leave me alone!"  She is a really nice dog.  I think instead of a old crazy cat woman, I am starting to be a crazy dog lady!  My house and my heart are full of dogs!

There is going to be high drama though, when we sell this particular puppy.  Saige named him Fello and she is totally in love.  She has begged for us to please keep him.  She has also begged grandma to take him.  Nobody is cooperating with her plans.  He is a very cute puppy!  I am hoping someone local will buy him and keep her informed of his progress.  
Colin came home for a  while yesterday so he could meet his new niece.  He was just as pleased to meet her as the rest of us!

We are all so in love with this little girl.  She is so sweet!  I am glad some of our stuff got cancelled, so we were freed up a bit and could hang out and hold her!

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