Today is a holiday. Maybe not one that everyone celebrates, but a holiday nonetheless. Jim, Madison and the kids all had the day off. Andrew and I had to work. You know, because we are manly and stuff. Anytime there is no school, I am happy because I can sleep until 7 rather than getting up at 5. Which is why, when I was awakened at 5:30 by a terrible smell, I was not happy. At first, I blamed Ollie, but upon getting my brain back into functioning gear, I realized it was actually the smell of melting plastic. Insert panic mode. When I opened the bedroom door, the smell was even stronger. Almost overwhelming. Even so, I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Let me backtrack a little. Last week, I talked my husband into a new vehicle. I assured him we could afford it, and I assured him it was absolutely necessary. We spent a chunk of money. Upon our arrival home from purchasing said vehicle, I started to take a shower only to discover our water heater was out. We ended up purchasing a new water heater, after the parts did not work to keep the old one going. So 2 major purchases in 24 hours might be a little bit anxiety inducing. Back to this morning. I worried that the new water heater was burning up. It wasn’t. I finally decided waking Jim up on his day off was necessary. More searching. More panic. After a while, Andrew also joined in the search, and then we figured out it was coming from the refrigerator.
Jim was kind to me today. He went to Nebraska furniture mart and picked up a new refrigerator. I love my Jim, but sometimes he has the worst luck! He headed out, got on the turnpike, and when he exited the Turnpike, realized that he forgot his wallet. He managed to find enough seat dimes to pay his toll. We made a plan that he would shop, and then call me and I would purchase the refrigerator over the phone. Which was a good plan, except for debit card daily limits and a holiday that closes the bank. We ended up pulling enough strings to get the darn thing purchased. Jim then headed home, but didn’t have much gas, so I had to go rescue him with a debit card at the gas station.
Jim did good. And more importantly, the burning refrigerator is no more. We have been using a refrigerator a long time and I have never seen anything like this. I am thankful that it didn’t do any real damage, just scared us a lot. I sincerely appreciate Jim taking his holiday to take care of our family. I am sure refrigerator shopping is not what he planned to do today. I don’t even want to go into the fact that the extended warranty we purchased ended last month. I don’t want to point out that we have had a run of stuff breaking and I am weary of all appliance purchase. At least our cheese and Dr Pepper are safe. All’s well that ends well I guess.