Friday, July 3, 2009

Day Off?????

Well, I was excited to have a day off work today - paid even! But my excitement was short lived! When we picked up the boys off the camp bus, we immediately noticed that Colin's poison ivy had gotten much worse, despite sending quite a lot of medication with him. So we had to go to Topeka to the Doctor, but this is a 'holiday' so our doc was not in today. We spent our time instead at Express Care. Now, I don't like to point out the obvious, but if you are going to call yourself Express care, then folks really shouldn't have to wait an eternity to see a doctor there. After waiting patiently, we finally saw a doctor who told me that Colin has poison ivy. Yep, that was money well spent! He phoned out some prescriptions and we were on our way. However, the insurance would not cover the meds that they phoned out. So we begged Walgreen's to call the doctor and get generics. They finally got a response, but the Walgreen's we were at was out of the medication that they phoned out. So they were kind enough to find another Walgreen's who had everything in stock. So we drove across town, only to discover that we had left our insurance card at the first Walgreen's! By this time I was about to have a major meltdown and I think that the pharmacist could tell, so he told me that if I came back within 7 days with the insurance information, they would refund my money. OK so this means another trip to Topeka, but I COULD NOT TAKE ANY MORE TODAY!! We are home now and I am going to bed at 9!

Have a fun and safe 4th from all of us here in insane land!

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