Monday, August 24, 2009

Preschool update

Preston's first day was great! He got to paint, play in the sand table, and he made some new friends (although he can't exactly remember their names). He also got a banana for a snack and Miss Becky gave him CHOCOLATE milk!

Quincy announced today that she is NOT going to MR. Becky's preschool - she wants to stay at work with mom. Tomorrow morning could be interesting! We might have to do the old distract her and mom runs out the door trick. Actually, she has been looking forward to this all summer, so I am not sure why the cold feet now! Quincy was also extremely upset today when we drove by the city pool and they were draining the water out with a large pump. I tried to explain that summer was over - but my goodness she was miffed! That is HER city pool and she wasn't done swimming in it!

One more thing, I have always had this little fantasy about homeschooling our kids. I always thought it would be very relaxing and wonderful with a kind of free from schedule feeling. I was so very wrong! I am not going to lie, I am totally enjoying it, but it is a ton of work getting prepared, making sure we are covering all the materials, and trying to stay ahead so that Cameron is not bored. I am going to have to learn to be a lot more organized for sure! I had my first conference with Cameron's virtual school teacher today. I had totally missed a couple of things that he was supposed to do (luckily it is Ms. Alison's job to keep me on track!). I felt that we had been doing really well though, and am a bit disappointed in myself for not realizing these things! So far Cam seems to be enjoying it, and hasn't given me any grief about doing the work, or been distracted by other things (tv, playstation etc) in the house.

The other kids seem to be settling in to a schedule as well. Mallory and Madison have the normal teenaged things to say about certain teachers, which we kind of giggle about. Colin announced today that his teacher has given more homework in the first 3 days of school than he has ever had in his life! Right now he is very motivated to get it done because he is enjoying playing football so much! We are also getting ready to start flag football season with Cameron. I enjoy football season - cooler weather, hot chocolate at games, and I actually understand football rules for the most part!

I also finally got some medication for the ick that I have had for the past 2 weeks. I tried to wait and take just tylenol and be the good pregnant woman, but I finally got so run down from not sleeping that I called and begged my doctor for drugs. I have a nasty sinus infection, and I am hoping that the meds work quickly!

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