Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thankful for our insanity

We are having a great, but insanely busy Thanksgiving weekend. We started out on Wednesday with me having a doctor appointment, and while I was gone the kids started cleaning for Thanksgiving dinner. They did a pretty good job while I was gone. My doctor appointment went OK, but my doctor has decided that he thinks the baby might be a little bit big, and a he is pretty sure it is breach. He has ordered another sonogram for next week to check the position and size of the baby. I can't help but wonder what difference it makes if the baby is breach or big since I am having a c-section, but he just said he wants to know what he is dealing with before he starts cutting. So we will have another opportunity to see if we can find out the sex of the baby. The kids are pretty excited. I am sort of torn, because at this point we don't have much time left, it might be nice to be surprised in the end. I am fairly certain I am going to be overruled on the surprise option!
We had a great, Thanksgiving dinner. It was a quiet day and very relaxing.
Friday we had a visit from Jay who is up from Kentucky with his new girlfriend. The kids, I must say were pretty well behaved considering how Uncle Jay usually gets them all wound up. We enjoyed the visit, it is always great to see Uncle Jay.
After visiting with Jay, Mallory, Madison, Preston, Quincy and I were treated to Disney on Ice from our neighbor as our early Christmas gift. She has also purchased the Colin, Cam, and Jim Harlem Globetrotter tickets and they are excited about that. I must say that Disney on Ice was wonderful. I loved seeing the costumes, and there really is something magical about Disney stuff. We even managed to carry in candy and drinks so we didn't have to buy the $10 snow cones or $20 cotton candy!
While I was enjoying an evening with Disney, Jim was home with Cam's birthday slumber party. His birthday isn't until December 8, but I was worried if we waited to have his party I might just go into labor with all those boys here. So we decided to do it a little bit early. He had a great time, and the boys were all well behaved, although they were extremely loud! They finally crashed out at 4:30 this morning...and although there might have been a day when I could stay up late, those days are definitely over for me!
The slumber party crew didn't get to sleep in very late, as we had to decorate the 4-H Christmas tree in Overbrook this morning. I have to laugh every year, because where I grew up, a red cedar tree was nothing more than a noxious weed, but when you are in our 4-H club, they suddenly become a Christmas tree! It really does look pretty nice, and the kids had a fun time decorating it.
We spent the afternoon getting baby supplies out of the attic and washing them. I am feeling pretty ready for our new little arrival.
Having been incredibly busy hasn't stopped me from being very thankful for all I have been given. I know I am blessed immeasurably!

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