Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas!
It has been quite an adventure here! Yesterday we took off for my brother's house in the afternoon. I have to admit that although it was sleeting a little bit, I had not paid any attention to the forecast at all, until we were on the way and they came on the radio and said that we were under a blizzard warning. Even after hearing this, I didn't pay much attention, after all we get told all sorts of stuff in forecasts all the time and they don't necessarily happen. So we managed to make it to my brother's house, had a great time visiting, eating ourselves silly, opening gifts and watching our children play with our niece and nephews. My mom, who had surgery last week even felt like coming over for a bit, so it was nice to have the family together. After a couple of hours, I realized that it was snowing and blowing really hard...the kind of snow I hadn't seen since I was a kid. So Jim and I decided to gather our tribe and head for home. My sister had taken a few of our kids for us, and she decided to go then too. Luckily, she has 4 wheel drive and was going to go ahead of us so that we could follow in her tracks after she blasted through the drifts. My brother lives about 15 miles from our house, and it took us an hour to get home! It was pretty bad out....visibility at times was about zero. Having made it home, Jim and I had already decided that midnight mass was out of the question, (even though I was a little disappointed because it is my favorite mass of the year). However, once home we realized that they had cancelled the services for both last night and today.
With my grandma going through chemo, she isn't up to having her annual Christmas dinner, so we had planned to stay home today, which is good because we aren't really able to get out anyhow! The girls helped me prepare a turkey dinner here and we have been enjoying the day with no place to go, playing with our new toys and watching Christmas movies on tv. Preston proclaimed that this is "the best Christmas ever" so I guess we did something right! Jim did a great job shopping, and the kids were very happy with their gifts. All in all, I would have to agree with Preston!
I hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas too, filled with blessings and love!

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