Friday, October 4, 2013

Invisible line

 Harper had a couple of baby teeth that were very bad.  She had one on each side and unfortunately, they will only deaden one side of your mouth at a time.  So last week, we had the first tooth crowned and she had an appointment to go back this morning for the other side.  Our dentist, whom we absolutely adore, does not crown teeth, so we had to go to a specialist.  The specialist was pretty nice, and last week went swell.  This time however, Harper knew what she was in for, and she remembered that her mouth hurt for a day or so afterward, so she was not at all amused by the idea of going back.  This particular dentist believes that children do better if mom sits in the waiting room.  I understand their point, and agreed to this procedure.  However, I was not prepared to hear my child sobbing and begging for me from the 'treatment room' and it was a hard thing for both of us.  They did get her tooth fixed, and the dentist assured me that while she was sad about not being with me, she was not in much pain he didn't think.  All that is leading up to this.  After the appointment, we had to go to the pet store to buy bearded dragon food.  Harper was still very sad while we were there, and I cheered her up by allowing her to pick out a Halloween costume for Adolf.  She was instantly happy, forgot about the dentist, and was giddy about getting home to the cat and showing him the costume.  While I think this might have been the best 3 dollars I ever spent, on the way home it dawned on me.  I may have just crossed the line from a little redneck crazy into a full blown weirdo.  Jim was super amused with the cat's dreadlock hat at lunch time, so at least we are still in this together!  The only one who was not amused was Adolf.  He is still pouting!
 This has been a rather long week.  The boys had a lot of football games, and none of them were very pretty score wise.  Last night, Cam played at Perry.  Cam's team usually has 4 boys to use as subs, however, 2 were hurt and 2 were ineligible to play, which meant that they had no subs.  On top of that, the Perry kids were unusually large and extremely talented.  It did not make for a fun game to watch at all.  I did tell Cameron I was extremely proud of him.  He never quit.  Never stopped hustling, never stopped hitting hard, never stopped playing the game, even when only a miracle could have saved the score.  He agreed with me that these type of things are character building.

Now we gear up for a wild and crazy weekend.  It would seem that October is as full as any time during the summer.  Wonder why I always think things will slow down when school starts?

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