Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Adventure time with Harper

Harper had her 4 year physical today.  My intention was to take her to her physical and then run about 100 errands around Topeka.  Well, we know what they say about the road to hell being paved with good intentions, right?  So a few months back Dr. R - our beloved pediatrician took a job in South Dakota.  We got a new woman, who I instantly bonded with and immediately loved.  We have now seen her more than a handful of times, and even though I feel very comfortable with her, she is still getting to know us.  She checked Harper all over, and then looked in her ears.  She said "there is something in her ear, it is white but I cannot tell what it is???"  I said 'oh geez with Harper, who knows'.  She then tried to get it out, which made Harper scream out "you are hurting me, MY EAR, MY EAR" except louder than I can put in print and in the worst wailing voice ever.  Dr. C still tried to get it out some more, but the more she tried the more Harper fought her, and me trying to hold her down was making it much worse.  So we made the decision that I should take her to the ENT, where they have special tools for such problems.  The only problem with this plan was that Harper is no dumb kid.  She cried.  She worried.  She cried some more and whined all the way through Walmart which is awful enough without all that!  We finally made it over to the appointment with the ENT (we were happy that they had an opening today and could squish her in to save us a trip to town).  By this time, Harper seemed happy.  She stayed that way until the doctor came in.  Then she really went bananas.  She was screaming like we were honestly burning her at the stake, even though he hadn't started working on it yet.  It took 4 nurses, and me to hold her down while she screamed "let me go, you can't hold me down!  I SAID LET ME GO" until the ENT doc dug out....... wait for it....wait...... 
a sea shell (probably from a necklace) and a wad of paper. 
He said "Harper it is never a good idea to put things in your ears or up your nose!"  
Without missing a beat she said 
"it was Quincy!"
From there we went to get her glasses fixed.  Let me just say that this was a whole other adventure which ended with a lady saying she broke the glasses, and would have to order another pair.  I explained that Harper had broken them before we got there - but she was sure she had done it.  This lead into her and the eye doctor getting into a fight (this is not our eye doctor, but he has a very nice kids selection of glasses so we have been getting our glasses there).  It was the strangest day I have had in a long time.  After ordering the new glasses, I put the girls in the car and realized we had been in town for almost 5 hours and had not even begun to touch my list of errands.  Needless to say, we came home and will just have to go try again on another day! 
On the way home, I was feeling a little frazzled.  That is when Harper asked me what that big ball was on the ground in front of the van.  I explained it was the moon.  She got kind of quiet and then said "are you sure mom, how the heck did it get down there?"  Kind of the comical relief I needed to get through the evening!

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