Friday, December 13, 2013

Card sharks

 Some of the kids have battled the stomach flu this week, as a result, we have been home a lot.  A whole lot more than normal.  Today, I stayed home with Preston.  I hear Saige saying "cards Adolf, cards"  the cat was really into playing with her, as you can tell.

 Come on Adolf, play cards with me!  Please?
 Here, let me help you up.
Thank goodness this cat is mellow!

You might also notice the clips in Saige's hair.  She is really into having her hair fixed.  Maybe she realized it stays out of your face if you use a clip - or 20 clips!  Some days it takes me 5 minutes to get her hair undone so I can give her a bath at night!  

It has been an unusual week.  With sick kids Jim and I have been trading off days at home.  We both have had big projects at work, so it has worked ok for us to alternate.  There was a standoff in town this week.  Apparently, they served a man with an arrest warrant and he didn't like that too much.  He went inside his apartment and refused to come out.  They had swat teams, snipers and tons of county cops here....very unusual for our small town.  And scary.  They wouldn't let the kids who normally walk home go, which caused some confusion for the kids.  I really don't think we as a town, or the kids at school were ever in any danger, but precautions are never a bad thing.  I hate that my kids have to learn about crazy people, and I hate it that these people live among us, but I guess that is just a fact of life.  
Colin wrestled at the strangest dual I have ever seen...I spent the evening confused because they mixed the weight groups up and had JV mixed with Varsity, which was confusing for the scoring.  Nevertheless, he won one and lost one.  I am going on record saying that I think he has improved tremendously from last year.  I think it is really hard to wrestle varsity as a freshman, and I can tell a difference in his confidence level and I am impressed as always with his intestinal fortitude.  Cameron and Preston both started basketball practices this week too.  Winter sports season is all the way here!  Cameron is a little bit sad that some of his friends decided to do club wrestling instead of playing Jr. High basketball, but it doesn't keep him from being happy to be on the court.  Preston is going to try out traveling league basketball this year.  His friends are playing and they are excited about their team.  I will be interested to see how this works for him.  Goodbye Saturdays, as Quincy is planning to play basketball at the Carbondale rec this winter too.....luckily her season is still a couple of weeks away!
Cameron also attended Tuba Christmas again in Kansas City.  He absolutely loved it last year.  This year he came home with a solid "meh" about it.  I do not know what happened, he never would really tell me.  I was sad that I had a meeting I couldn't get out of and did not get to attend.  Cam was not upset that I couldn't go and said it was a long drive for some low tone Christmas music.  Maybe next year  - for both of us!

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