Friday, March 28, 2014

 We have started the process of packing up our belongings.  It is not a process that any of us are fond of, but it is necessary.  The boys spent some time last weekend helping Jim unload the few things we had put in the basement.  There wasn't much down there because it is an old house, with an old basement.  On one trip down, the boys found this toad.  It has been so cold, that we have allowed Quincy to keep him on the kitchen table in a Rubbermaid container.  This afternoon, he is slated for release back into the 'wild' - meaning she will let him go out side and he will probably find his way back into the basement!  :)  I have felt bad about keeping him captive, but felt worse about sending him out in the cold. 
 Colin had his first baseball game last night, which means that the cold should be leaving because it is spring.  My feet are still not warmed up from this game though, so someone should give mother nature the memo.
Colin played really well.  I learned about yet another town in our state, as SFT is getting ready to switch leagues (again) and the game was in Garnett, which will be part of the new league.  It seems to me that we will be driving just as far south as what we were driving north.  I shake my head as it seems silly to me to drive this far for a high school baseball game.  I often wonder why we can't just play the teams of the schools that are closer?  Unfortunately, the school board does not like to hear from me, so I try to only ask questions of them that pertain directly to my kid's education, not extra-curricular stuff.
I thought it was so sweet the way these 3 were reading together in the doctor's office this morning.  Preston has been having a pain in his left side.  We do not know what is causing it, and yesterday he was in quite a lot of pain, so we sought some advice from our pediatrician today.  She has ordered a few tests and we will wait to see if the pain returns and then we can decide where to go from there.  He was feeling fine today, and even wanted to go back to school.  I am praying it is growing pain or some other issue I don't need to worry about.  He is such a quiet, compliant, easy going kid, I know if he is complaining it must be pretty bad.  Hopefully it was nothing and he will be fine from now on.  

The weekend looks to be a little more relaxing than the previous few have been.  We have a family project to do - we are going to be cleaning up the elderly housing here in town. The girls and I are also going prom dress shopping.  We are renting a second storage locker and are going to try to get some more of the packing underway.  We still have a few weeks before the big move, but the way we see it, the more we can get out of the way, the better.   The way we are going, the storage locker guy is going to have a very good year!  :)  I am hoping for a few minutes of extra sleeping time!  

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