Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shoving full the weekends

Friday evening, Cameron had a game at Osawatomie. I drove the team bus, which meant Jim got to be home with the kids. He was supposed to watch my nephew while Mallory and Madison went out for their birthday. Aunt Sam was kind enough to volunteer for designated driver duty! My nephew decided to hang out with his dad instead! Cameron played a great game! Jim and the kids had a great night! Mallory and Madison also had a ton of fun it sounded like!

Every time Preston has had a game, either the kids have been sick, or there were other activities going on that I had to cover. I was pleased to finally be able to go watch him play (and Jim coach). I picked a good week to go to, because they played awesome. They ended up in overtime and tied to finish the game. Apparently double overtime isn't a thing on this league. We are counting a tie as a win!

After Preston's game, we dropped him off at his friend's house and flew to Royal Valley where Cameron was playing in a JV tournament. We got there in time to watch them in the championship game. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit frustrated with basketball this season. The coaching has been tough to watch. Since I have been driving the bus quite often, Jim has not been to as many games. Jim felt my frustration yesterday too. Cameron played really well! His team got 2nd place. Cameron is frustrated with that finish and with the season as well. It will be interesting to see how the future works out. I realize my problems with our kids could be so much worse than shoddy basketball seasons and for that I really am thankful.

While we were journeying around the countryside, cousin Ryan was busy having an amazing birthday outing with his cousins. Harper and Saige had a wonderful day of going to the zoo, eating dinner at sonic, playing at the playground on a beautiful 70 degree February day, and finishing things off with cake and games at Chuck E Cheese. If Ryan ever doubts our love for him, I will break out this blog post and show him how we all went to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday!

All the other kids got to do amazing things this weekend, so we couldn't leave Quincy out! A friend of ours works at the Nature Center in Lawrence. Someone turned in this little bunny intending for them to feed it to the eagles. She just couldn't do it, so Quincy has a new pet!

She named him Prince Nibbles and he really is a sweet little mini Rex rabbit! He is safe and well loved now!

Well, sort of safe. Preston announced his name is Jeffy. The rabbit bit him in the shoulder! We think he hates that name! Preston has now sworn Prince Nibbles as his enemy!

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