Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Day

I have often thought that the timing for Valentine's Day seems odd. I realize that it is a feast day determined by the church, but I feel like they could have picked a saint to stand for love whose feast day is not smack in the middle of cold/flu season! That being said, we were actually not sick this year. It seems like that is a running theme.
Jim asked me out for a nice dinner, but Valentine's Day apparently doesn't mean anything to anyone because we had an Elk Township meeting, a park and Rec meeting, a basketball game and basketball practice all to cover last evening. Jim and I thought Monday night would be a good compromise, but by the time he got home from work, Madison and I were rump deep in treat making for class parties. Poor Jim! I do love my Valentine! He is an amazing man, father, husband and friend. I am a lucky woman. We will get dinner. It may not be Valentine's Day - but I know that he is good at rainchecks.

I know this because at this point of our lives, we have to divide and conquer frequently! I also know that time moves faster than my heart wants it to! My last kid had the last preschool party! She had a great time too! She had about "a hundred boyfriends" who she got special treats from! She was overly excited!

Cameron had a great game! I was happy to have the time to watch him play. The season has been long and frustrating. I will be on record saying that I am so very proud of Cameron. He doesn't let his frustration show. He talks with us at home, but always puts his best in the court. It makes me happy to know he is growing to be a man of character.

The other kids had a great time at class parties as well. I had to share Quincy's goat themed box!

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