Monday, February 28, 2011

Manic Monday

Harper is learning to wink. I spent the past 2 days trying to get a photo of it because it makes me laugh! She is so ornery!

Several weeks ago, Cameron applied to be a Kansas Jr. Beekeeper. He thought it would be an awesome 4-H project. He found out today that his application was selected! He won the chance to learn from a licensed Kansas beekeeper, he gets a hive, the bees, all the safety equipment and they will mentor him and teach him to safely take care of his hive, collect the honey, and how to care for and learn about bees. He is super excited about this opportunity! If he takes it seriously and completes all the requirements for the training then he gets to keep the hive and the bees.
I had a dentist appointment today, Quincy stayed with grandma. She helped with grandma's orphan calf! She has apparently decided that she is going to be a farmer AND a princess when she grows up! She says that princesses need lots of baby cows to take care of!
It is funny to me how you can go along day by day with just normal routine stuff going on, and then one day will just explode with things to do! Tonight was Mallory and Madison's first softball practice, but Mallory was home today not feeling well. Practice was followed up with their pep band playing at sub-state basketball. Colin had his first quiz bowl meet in Hiawatha. His team came in last but he said it was a lot of fun! Mallory and Madison were supposed to have a fundraising meeting for CWF tonight too, but they can only be so many places at once, so Jim filled in for them!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Not fun but necessary!

Mallory and Madison worked very hard at their CWF concession stand today. It was not fun, but necessary to keep moving on the fundraising for their trip! They served up homemade biscuits and gravy, Mallory made awesome chili, and they had a ton of baked goods for sale! It was a very, very long day, followed by a long clean up, and a long discussion about how to divide the money they made among the kids who worked. I honestly don't mind the work part....just the rest that is cumbersome! Thank you to those who came out in the nasty foggy drizzle to support these 4-Hers. I know that today was not very fun, but when the girls are living it up in New York and DC, it will be worth it! (at least I hope so).
Jim also had a very strange day, as he got a phone call that the water tower had a cracked leg. I am not sure what all occurred, but the tower north of our house, did indeed have a bad crack. They had to evacuate people, and then they drained the tower and got someone in to stabilize it. They will have to do more work on Monday, and I am sure it will be a long process of insuring public safety. For now, everything is ok!
Speaking of matters of public safety, while Jim was out with the tower problems, and I was helping the girls, we left Colin in charge here at the house. He did a wonderful job of watching his younger siblings (with a lot of help from Cam). However, he did make a phone call which cracked me up....he called me to say "mom, when you come in Harper is covered in red Jell-o NOT blood!" I feel better knowing he thought to call ahead to warn me! Of course, with the water tower issues, that meant there was little to no water - which meant cleaning up after feeding Harper jell-o was not really possible! Luckily, we now have water so I was able to put her through the bathtub!
Tomorrow has now become the big catch up day! Not fun, but necessary!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Long time, no blog

If you wear frog pajamas, then you need frog boots to match right?

Colin loves to encourage Harper's love of danger. She had quite a nice time riding around in the dirty laundry!
It has been a very busy week around here, although I could not really tell you what we have been doing! Colin was supposed to have his first quiz bowl meet, but it got cancelled due to weather. Mallory and Madison's CWF group is having a very large concession stand, bake sale and rummage sale this weekend. I spent a lot of time planning the menu and shopping for the concession stand and then setting it up. Now the girls get to do the dirty work! I am keeping my fingers crossed that they have a good turn out tomorrow, as today's turn out was a little on the low side. They still have a lot of money that needs to be raised before January of next year.
I took Mallory and Madison for their sports physicals this week too. I only share this because although I knew that Harper was attached to Madison, I didn't realize the scope of just how attached - until they tried to take Madison's blood pressure and Harper went ballistic! She did NOT want anyone messing with her sister! She cried every time they looked at Madison, or tried to do anything to her! It was totally atrocious!
My work has been very busy (and a little stressful) with a huge rehabilitation project. I spent my late afternoon knocking on doors to obtain permission for a survey. I had to take Rusty (Jim's car) so that Jim could use the van to bring the kids to my niece's birthday party. Jim tried to warn me that maybe his car would not fit in since I was going to a rather wealthy part of Lawrence. Once I got there, I realized Jim was right - these houses are HUGE - and beautiful... I spent the whole afternoon being paranoid - here is this lady - in a scrappy looking car- knocking on doors - and if you don't answer then she is messing with the doorknob (to post information).....I had visions of the police being called. Then I realized that it would not be the first time that the police got called on this very rehab project - so I just went about my business! I wish I could say that I am finished with it, but the project has taken on a life of its own, and it is starting to feel a bit like it will never end! Which reminded me of that "Song that Never Ends" so I have been singing that all afternoon....which probably did not help my look - here is a crazy singing lady, in a scrappy car, knocking on our door!
And so, if you are reading this blog, you know the truth now, I am totally insane, have lost track of time, ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, have no idea what I have accomplished, and like to sing to myself!

Monday, February 21, 2011

7th Grade basketball finale and the fashion police

Yesterday, the girls went to a purse party with grandma, and then they went shopping. Quincy somehow conned grandma into buying her some frog boots. She was very, very excited about the boots, and the minute Preston saw them he was insanely jealous. Now, had I suggested that he should have some rubber boots, he probably would have rolled his eyes at me, but since Q got some, he HAD to HAVE a pair! So while I was in Topeka today, I got him a pair, except that I insisted that they could not be identical to Quincy's so that they would not fight! He is very, very happy with his monkey boots! (who would have figured that?)
Quincy not only wore her frog boots to school, and the final 7th grade basket ball game, she also wore this giant black flower that Madison got as a prize at the purse party on her head all day! At the game, one of Cameron's little friends was playing with Quincy and she said "lets play I spy" she then said "I see something black and very, very Large!" Quincy did not guess what it was!!! I am sure that she will be in charge at some big time fashion show someday!

And Colin had his grand finale game of 7th grade at Royal Valley tonight. He got to play most of the B game, and for the first time he even got fouled and got to shoot free throws! (he has been fouled before but they NEVER call it!!) I think his career in basketball this year has included it all - fouls -giving them and taking them - traveling, rebounding, assists, point making, and a technical....what else could you ask for in one season?

I actually like basketball, and enjoyed watching the boys play...but I am never sad to see winter anything end! On to track and softball and warm weather!! Oh - who the heck am I kidding - I am now going to be sitting outside, freezing my buns off at track meets and softball games where we pretend that it is spring but it really isn't!! At least I do have a couple more weeks - we have to finish 5th grade basketball and club wrestling first!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekends are too short!

We had a busy, but good weekend around here! Yesterday, Colin wrestled in a tournament in Eudora. It was a very long tournament....he literally had 102 matches between his first match and his last one. It pretty well took up the whole day! Colin had a couple of really good matches - he took 3rd place. It was a pretty tough tournament overall.
Cameron had a basketball game yesterday. His team won, and Jim said that they seemed to have fun! I did not hear much about the game from Cam because afterward he went to a friend's house for a slumber party. Colin had friends over here for the night, so both of them were pretty wiped out today!

This evening we decided that we could do a little fishing and fish feeding at our pond. Harper had a great time picking up the fish food that was dropped and throwing it into the water!
It has been so cold and frozen for so long, that my little fishermen were going through withdrawl! They were very happy to put poles in the water tonight! They did not catch anything, unless you count moss, but it was a good feeling to be out there anyhow!

This was supposed to be a three day weekend (and for Jim it still is), however the kids have to make up a snow day. They are sad that they don't get a day off, but happy that since they can make up the days during teacher inservice days they won't have to miss spring break or have it cut into their summer break. Here's hoping that there is no more winter!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

100 days

Today was the 100th day of school. Preston was pretty excited about all the "100" projects that they did! He even remembered to take the 100 hat off when he went outside so it wouldn't blow away in the wind!

Colin had a basketball game tonight. These photos are from Monday night's game though. Courtesy of his friend's mom! He played pretty well tonight! There is one more game next week, and then jr. high basketball is over for this year.
Of course, we would never be without something to do, Mallory and Madison had their softball meeting today. They came home from school and promptly told me that they have to have a physical - by the end of next week...which I managed to schedule - but only after crying to the receptionist at our doctor's office! They then proceeded to tell me that there is a parent meeting, but they don't remember what the date is! So....when I don't show up, whose fault is it going to be?
Harper seems to be feeling much better. She even played today - and didn't force me to hold her all day! Actually, I prefer holding her to any part of the dam safety conference! I have watched grass grow and it was more exciting! But, I got a nice certificate to hang on my office wall!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

For Valentines Day, I had 2 sick kids and one sick husband. The sick husband bought me the greatest gift of all - new tires! It might not be quite as romantic as the gift that Grace got for James (new electrical work) but I was very happy about it! This meant that when I picked up kids from wrestling practice, pep band, and ball games and took Harper to the doctor my van was smooth! No more bouncing around on bald tires for me!
I am not sure what the heck is going on with the germy people here but I did finally take Harper to the doctor today. I decided 6 days of sick was too long for a little person! Unfortunately, they told me it is a virus and it will have to run its course. Basically the nastiest cold ever! So we got some nasal spray, a new humidifier, and a prescription for some kind of mucus drying amazing stuff, and we will have to wait it out. Cameron was home from school today (thankfully the neighbor girl was willing to take his class treats that I stayed up late baking last night). He did not do anything other than sleep all day - until the KSU game came on - he was pretty happy when they crushed that other Kansas team! Then he went right back to sleep! Jim has been mostly the same - sleeping on the couch with Harper on his chest! I have been spraying Lysol every chance I get!
Dam safety conference for me the next two days. I am not really excited about this, as I was reading the agenda and it did not seem like it would be very entertaining! I hope my impression of their presentations was far off base and it will be a-maz-ing!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Girls

Mallory and Madison were very pleased to spend the entire afternoon shopping (after eating lunch at Subway - they are cheap dates!). They spent a great deal of their birthday cash, got some new clothes, new make-up and who knows what else! They had a great day hanging out with their friends, and their super awesome mom who sat for hours and hours while they went into every single store in Lawrence (or at least it felt like it) luckily, Colin kept me entertained by texting me minutely about the things going on here at home! It actually wasn't that bad - since they are able to take themselves in and out of the stores and I don't have to go in!! And since it was 60 degrees, I was quite content to sit in the car, text Colin, watch the plethora of odd clothing choices, and just be alone for a while!
I am sad to report that Harper is not feeling better. Jim said she slept all day, and when I got home she just wanted me to sit and hold her, which is why I am still up baking treats for Cam's Valentines Day party tomorrow! Luckily he let me talk him into brownies with Valentines sprinkles on top - easy and quick! :) I really hope that she makes a speedy recovery because I have a conference in Topeka coming up this week and I don't see how I can get out of going! I hate to leave her when she is feeling gross!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

County Club Day and weekend fun

The kids' 4-H club had county club day today. Their line dancing group got top purple! They really did look good, and the hours and hours of practice definitely showed! Regionals will be coming up - so I guess we will be having a few more weeks of practice!

Cam was on a gavel games team. Their team also got top purple, so they will be going to regional club day as well! They really did a great job - especially when you consider that half of their practices got cancelled due to snow!
Club day was held in Pomona this year. We took a shortcut through the country - Aunt Amy told us that the bridge on the shortcut creeps her out, and she called it the 'dead body bridge' since she is sure that someone has stashed bodies there! Boys being boys, we had to stop and check on the way home! Preston was not too amused with this little pit stop! We are happy to report that we could not see any dead bodies today! Thank God too, because I am not sure that would have been the best ending to a really great morning!
Of course, sometimes when you parent children you realize, a little too late that you should not mention things like dead body bridges to your kids! Quincy immediately came home and told Jim (who had missed club day due to coaching the basketball team) that we had stopped to check for bodies on the way home, and that she thinks we should buy a farm next to this body bridge. She did not stop talking about it all afternoon long! Bad parenting - I know!
Colin and Cameron built their own snowboards - out of old skateboards that they ripped the wheels off and made foot holders out of someones old belt. I am not sure that they would pass any FEMA safety standards, but they did have to go try them out! They came home very wet, which to me says they fell down a lot, but they were very happy with themselves!
We love our daddy!

Colin was babysitting for Quincy this evening!
This is Cam before the KSU game. We will not be sharing any photos of after the game - it is just too sad to share!

Madison is not cooperating on letting me take her photo. Now every day she takes hundreds of self portraits, but if someone aims a camera at her, she acts all offended! I can't figure out the teenage brain!
Harper wants to do her OWN hair! You can tell by looking at her that she is not feeling well. She had a cold that will just not go away! It is miserable!
Quincy after finding out that she is NOT invited on the girls' birthday shopping excursion tomorrow!