Friday, February 25, 2011

Long time, no blog

If you wear frog pajamas, then you need frog boots to match right?

Colin loves to encourage Harper's love of danger. She had quite a nice time riding around in the dirty laundry!
It has been a very busy week around here, although I could not really tell you what we have been doing! Colin was supposed to have his first quiz bowl meet, but it got cancelled due to weather. Mallory and Madison's CWF group is having a very large concession stand, bake sale and rummage sale this weekend. I spent a lot of time planning the menu and shopping for the concession stand and then setting it up. Now the girls get to do the dirty work! I am keeping my fingers crossed that they have a good turn out tomorrow, as today's turn out was a little on the low side. They still have a lot of money that needs to be raised before January of next year.
I took Mallory and Madison for their sports physicals this week too. I only share this because although I knew that Harper was attached to Madison, I didn't realize the scope of just how attached - until they tried to take Madison's blood pressure and Harper went ballistic! She did NOT want anyone messing with her sister! She cried every time they looked at Madison, or tried to do anything to her! It was totally atrocious!
My work has been very busy (and a little stressful) with a huge rehabilitation project. I spent my late afternoon knocking on doors to obtain permission for a survey. I had to take Rusty (Jim's car) so that Jim could use the van to bring the kids to my niece's birthday party. Jim tried to warn me that maybe his car would not fit in since I was going to a rather wealthy part of Lawrence. Once I got there, I realized Jim was right - these houses are HUGE - and beautiful... I spent the whole afternoon being paranoid - here is this lady - in a scrappy looking car- knocking on doors - and if you don't answer then she is messing with the doorknob (to post information).....I had visions of the police being called. Then I realized that it would not be the first time that the police got called on this very rehab project - so I just went about my business! I wish I could say that I am finished with it, but the project has taken on a life of its own, and it is starting to feel a bit like it will never end! Which reminded me of that "Song that Never Ends" so I have been singing that all afternoon....which probably did not help my look - here is a crazy singing lady, in a scrappy car, knocking on our door!
And so, if you are reading this blog, you know the truth now, I am totally insane, have lost track of time, ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, have no idea what I have accomplished, and like to sing to myself!

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