Saturday, February 4, 2012

We Made it to a Weekend!

We have had a very busy week, and were really looking forward to the weekend! It seemed like it would never get here!
Saige has become a very good "laundry aide" so long as she can see me! She will sit up all day long - she is not happy to lay on her back - or to be held like a newborn baby - she likes to be upright - probably so she can see Harper coming toward her!!

She is a pretty content little girl, and I get a kick out of her little facial expressions!
I also get sidetracked by her.....

Since it has been raining, Harper's hair has taken on a life of its own! I took her to well-child screening this week. Our pediatrician had been concerned that she might walk on her toes, I knew they would have a physical therapist at the screening. The PT did not think she has any trouble with her walking, so we were relieved. We did have a ton of people asking about her hair though! :)

Anyhow, back to my point, - weekend - hanging out, having a little computer time, playing video games and relaxing!

And of course, playing a little basketball. Cam's team won by forfeit this morning. Apparently, Emporia was so scared of Cam's mad skills they decided just not to show up! Cam's team had a great time playing a scrimmage against each other anyhow!

And Preston's team had a great game too! Preston seemed to have a lot more fun this time - I guess my little "pep talk" from last week paid off!!

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