Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Everyone who knows me very well knows that Halloween is my all time favorite holiday.  I encourage my kids to dress up, we spend all sorts of time trick or treating, decorating, and enjoying acting like kids.  If I could have a scary movie marathon and still have kids sleeping at night, I would totally do it!
 This year, Mallory had to work.  She did not dress up to go to work, even though I thought the residents would have totally enjoyed that.  So this is her costume.....a dietary aide at Brookside!  She is forgiven since she came home from work and took over the candy handing out duties!
 Harper was a Unicorn Princess.  It was a great costume for her, and she was very excited and proud of it.  She did wear it for most of the evening, but ended up with the unicorn's reins around her neck because she said he was "heavy" and she was tired! 

 Saige was a cat for her first Halloween.  This did not go well, as the hat was too small for her big head, and she did not appreciate my pinning it to her hair with clips.  She did wear it for a little while!

 Preston was a dark knight.  He was disappointed because he could not carry his sword in the school parade, and it made lots of cool noises, but he got over that as soon as he started collecting candy!
 Quincy was a clown.  Simple and fun!  She said that she will never be a clown again because the wig got too hot and itchy, and made her head sweat!
 Madison was  a mad studying student, because she has 3 tests tomorrow.  I think this is very wrong of her teachers, and plan to tell them that they ruined her holiday!  (Ok I really won't tell them, but I did try to act sympathetic on her behalf!)  I thought that she should have dressed up at least a little, but she didn't.  I forgive her because she volunteered to take Harper and Quincy trick or treating.
 Colin....notice this is the same pathetic costume he has worn for about 3 years now.  He stuck it on to go to grandma's house, but said he is too old for Halloween.  He then told me he was going out with his friends to scare little kids.  I nixed his plans, and he ended up having a bonfire in the back yard with them instead.  He should learn that you do NOT tell your parents these type of plans!  :)
 Cameron was a beekeeper and the neighbor girl and her dog were his bees.  Supreme effort and an A+ costume!  Plus it cost absolutely nothing (a true bonus).  He did lose his girlfriend over this, as apparently skipping her Halloween party in order to go trick or treating was not an appropriate way to celebrate the holiday.  He didn't seem overly upset by it! 
 I enjoyed watching the school Halloween parade downtown.  Preston and Quincy had a great time too!

 You might notice that although Colin did not do a good job of dressing up, he did wear the Halloween shirt that I got him on a clearance sale.  I think he actually loved it! 
Another successful Halloween!  We had a great time.  This girl was sad at bedtime....she told me she hates for it to end!  Me too!

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