I posted these photos on facebook, but since this is our family scrapbook, I wanted to save them! Sunday evening, we took goats to the breeder. We had some issues with the truck and the camper shell, which resulted in Jim loading them in his car. The main thing is, they got there! Luckily the breeder doesn't live very far and not down any major highways! I am still giggling about it. Riding in style. For the record, the car has been cleaned and baking soda is now absorbing the last of the evidence!

The weather has turned cooler and the September skies sure have been beautiful!

All the kids getting dog piled. Literally!

Preston ran for student council. His friend was his campaign manager and made him a sign. His campaign manager may want to learn to use spell check! The sign was sweet though! Preston won the election and has promised "solid school change!"

Since there has been cooler weather, we have started making fall and winter foods. Last night, we had home made chicken and dumplings. Preston made a deal with me that I would teach him to make dumplings, and he would teach me to play chess. Neither of us was successful with our lesson! He didn't enjoy the dough on his hands, and I am no closer to being able to play chess than I was before!

Preston had football practice tonight. The girls and I took advantage of the nice evening and spent some time at the park. We love the park! I love the weather! It could stay like this until next summer and I sure wouldn't complain!