Saturday, March 4, 2017

Saturday surprises

The 4-H had a biscuit and gravy fundraiser this morning which we were supposed to work at. The kids and I ran out to do chores before we left and found sweet little surprises in the barn! Curley had a baby girl! I had been very worried about Curley having a baby or babies since she was a bottle goat who was abandoned at birth. I didn't know if she would have any mothering instincts. She proved to me I worried about nothing. Preston named his grand baby "Lonzo" and Curley did a great job cleaning and feeding her and is very protective!

Buttee also had babies over night. She had a boy and a girl twins. Preston had a really exciting morning!

He named the boy baby "Stripe" but has not thought of the perfect name for the girl yet! I swear nothing makes me smile more than baby goats! They are adorable. And I love their little cries.

It was hard to tear ourselves away from the baby goats, but we managed to serve biscuits and gravy! The kids did a great job and the Legion men were very impressed with how hard they worked. I don't know how much money was raised, but it was really busy! Harper was disappointed she could not go! Colin is home and he and Cameron worked all day at the Judd Ranch's bull sale.

When we got home, Glow was in the process of cleaning a baby! Quincy was thrilled! She only had one kid- a cute little boy that Quincy named Ed! I am already sensing how many tears will be shed in August when she has to sell this little one! The words "do not get attached" just don't work well for Quincy!

I adore our critters! Cupcake and Casper are getting big!

Our church switched to having Saturday evening mass rather than Sunday morning. I like the idea of Saturday mass, but I am not convinced that it will work well with our schedules. Tonight it worked though! Mallory needed a picture for a class project. She had interviewed grandpa earlier! I love this picture!

On the way home from church, Quincy was forcing us to listen to country music. Preston was fussing about hating it. He said it is all written about back roads, spitting, riding tractors and eating fried chicken. I fail to see how any of that is negative. Especially when the back road leads home. I love it out here - it feels like I live on a piece of heaven.

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