Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tornados with goats

Last night, I had a parent teacher conference for Saige. I was supposed to come home from that and Take the kids to 4-H. When I came out of the school, I had a few calls from Preston and a couple texts from Mallory. Mallory was home yesterday. She had texted to tell me that there were tornados in Wabaunsee county and that she had forced the kids to put on their shoes and take cover. I pointed out that Wabaunsee county is pretty far away, but Mallory just thinks you can never be too careful where tornados are concerned. She also told me that the kids were crying because their bottle baby was out in the shed. I told her to let Quincy go get it and then they could resume cover. ;).
The calls from Preston were to tell me that they fed the baby goat, set the bottle down to finish the other chores, and the cats had eaten the nipple off the bottle. It's always something isn't it?

I made a call to our local vet, but they were out of goat nipples. I really did not have time to go to Topeka. Then I remembered when Jim and I took the kids to Grant's farm in St. Louis. We paid about $50 to get some baby bottles of milk to feed baby goats. (Which turned out to be a strange way to waste money since the goats were full and refused to drink the bottles we bought). Anyway, I stopped at Dollar General on my way home and bought some cheap baby bottles. Little goat is fine with this arrangement.

4-H was cancelled so we had plenty of time to hang out in the basement with a goat!

I was laughing with Jim last night. The dog has taken on the job of cleaning Fuzzy. She is very serious about this job! The kids were taking turns holding her, videoing her, watching TV with her, and I even found Harper reading to her. She is a well loved goat! I just hope she doesn't decide she is a person the way that Curley has!

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