Saturday, March 4, 2017

Week o'done

Tuesday, I left for work and realized the tire light was on in my van. Upon further inspection, there was a giant screw sticking out. I dropped it off at my cousin's tire shop and walked to work. I had just walked in my office when the phone rang. It was the Carbondale school calling to tell me that Quincy had put "bunch 'ems" in her hair and they couldn't get them out. Bunch ems are like little brushes that stick together and you can build Pom Pom type animals with them. I told the nurse I'm very sorry but she is just going to have to wear them and I'll deal with it after school. Landrie somehow got them out on the bus ride home, but I thought Quincy resembled the girl in the well on the Ring movies!

There was an author presentation at Harper's school this week. She has a bruise on her hand and is convinced it is an allergic reaction to having to listen to the presentation!

I had a band boosters meeting this week, and got done just in time to catch Cameron's presentation in foods from Australia during "International night." He was not excited about this, but it meant a lot of extra credit for his English grade! He and his partner made "Fairy Bread." It was terrible!

Saige was super excited about Dr. Seuss' birthday at school this week. They got cupcakes, and the PTO bought everyone in the district a new shirt.

Thursday, Cameron's basketball team played in the sub state basketball tournament against Hayden. It was not the best game of the year and they lost by a lot. This was the end of the basketball season for them.

While I was watching substate, Quincy's team was also playing their last game of the season. She had a great time playing!

Friday evening, Cameron played in the pep band at the girls sub state game. He reported that he had fun taunting people and he gets to do it again because the girls won!

Harper came home from school last night and told me she was soooo tired. She took a nap. When she woke up, she had a fever and said her throat hurt so bad. I looked at it and it was awful. So we went to express care where they said she had strep throat. She is on medicine now and feeling a little bit better.

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