Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday Funday

Since mass is now on Saturday evenings, I was excited about being able to sleep in on Sunday mornings. I stayed up late last night watching a Jim Carey movie marathon with Preston, folding laundry and getting a few things done. I was not worried because I was sleeping in today!
I should never even think sleeping in is a thing for me.
I woke up at 5 when I heard Mallory leave for work. I woke up at 6 to a weird noise which turned out to be the cat drinking out of the toilet. At 6:30 Preston came in to tell me they went out to do chores (without being asked) and that Mo was having babies. At 7, Preston was back to tell me that Mo did not clean up the second baby and that Quincy had broken it out of the sack and was trying to dry it off. Ok. Not sleeping in today!

I went down and observed the situation. Quincy and Preston were correct. Mo had cleaned up and was nursing the first twin, but would have nothing to do with the big girl who happened to be born second. After quite a while, we brought the baby into the house and dried her off, milked colostrum from the mother and started her on a bottle. She seemed to come around after that and was perky and loud!

Jim and I made a quick run for goat milk replacer. She is doing great on the bottle and since she is Cameron's goat, we waited for him to decide what should happen with her. The decision was made that the goat would be sold to Harper to bottle feed and raise as the start of her 4-H meat goat project. Harper was happy that she is a doe, and therefore won't have to face selling her! I had a hard time getting Harper to focus on anything except her new baby "Fuzzy" today.

We went in to the ball park clean up day. It is definitely spring if we are worrying about the ballpark! A lot of people turned out and a lot of work got finished!

When we got home, we put Fuzzy back in the pen with her mom and twin brother. The mom won't have anything to do with her, but was also not hurting her! Blitz spent a long time cleaning her! It was sweet. Tonight we went out to feed her, she ate her dinner and was snuggled up with her twin!

Harper sat in the barn with this baby for hours. She is sad she has to go to school tomorrow! It warmed my heart to see how excited she is about it!

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