Thursday, February 6, 2020

a class about salt and baby pics

Being a grandma has blessed my life, and expanded by entertainment.  This kid doesn't say much, she rarely makes any noise, and she very rarely cries or fusses.  However, if you spend any amount of time with her, you will quickly find that she makes her intentions clear, and her needs known.  She is incredibly expressive.  We have these kittens who are terribly mannered.  I bought a squirt bottle to use on them, but what we have found is that Evie loves to be squirted in the mouth with it.  She absolutely begs, laughs, squeals and points to get you to do it some more.  I blame her father, as he started it.  Who knew a 97 cent squirt bottle would provide so much fun?  

Grandpa had to go to Manhattan for a meeting this week, so we were forced to eat at the bar without him.  Evie loves bar food!  I don't feel too bad about it, they had a soup of the day, and she always gobbles up whatever kind of soup they have!  She may have also snagged a few French fries!  :)  

GG is always trying to dress her up.  The head band didn't last much longer than it took to take this photo!  Opinionated much? 

I teach a 3rd and 4th grade RE class on Wednesday nights.  I have for as long as I can remember.  I enjoy it, but sometimes I have struggled for ideas and lessons.  We have a book, and a list of things that 3rd and 4th graders are expected to know.  I do follow that, but this year I am also doing something new.  I am looking to the gospel for the upcoming week, and planning  a lesson and activity based on that.  The gospel this week will be a reading from Matthew 5: 13-16 - you are the salt of the Earth, and the light of the world.  One of my favorites.  We had a good lesson, and my hope and prayer is that since we have talked about the gospel, done a hands on activity about it, and learned what the bible is trying to tell us, that maybe when these children sit in mass on Sunday, something will make sense for them.  That maybe they will have a greater understanding of what is being read.  This week, we made salt dough crosses to go along with the lesson.  The kids loved this.  I had one student who made a cross for each member of her family.  I had one kid who was so excited that she was telling her dad the lesson without being prompted.  My class also successfully learned all the sorrowful mysteries and they all got prizes from the RE director last night.  I love this class.  I had Saige in with our class last night as well, so she was happy to be included on a fun night!  

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