Wednesday, February 26, 2020


There never seems to be enough time in our weeks.  It seemed like a low key week for once, but someone must have found out about it, and they scheduled a bunch of junk.  We had the final parent meeting for Preston's upcoming band trip to Orlando.  As I read the itinerary, I was actually wondering why it was that I didn't volunteer to be a sponsor.  I love Florida, and the schedule looks like an absolute fabulous time.  Then they started in with telling the kids what they can and cannot do, what they can and cannot bring, code of conducts, needing to check with sponsors and rules, and I thought to myself thank heavens I did not say I would sponsor this trip!  :)  I do think they will have a lot of fun!  I am very excited that Preston gets to have this opportunity!  We also have a parent meeting for the upcoming track season, and the bus boss scheduled our first aide/cpr class.  I am a little saddened that he put this class during the Ash Wednesday mass at our church, but I really don't know what I can do about it.  I can dedicate my Lenten journey to deep breathing, trying to survive and jumping over all of life's little stumbling blocks.  

This little nugget has not been feeling well.  We think it is teeth bothering her, but she has not had an easy week.  Grandpa seems to be able to get her to smile though.  I'm hoping that she starts to feel better soon, but if not, my upper body strength training will continue!  At least it is an enjoyable workout!

I don't know if I have mentioned this, but Saige has a pretty amazing teacher this year.  She keeps us supplied with a lot of photos, and the kids are always doing some awesome project based learning.  I think when the year ends, Saige will be very sad to leave behind Mrs. Grinke.  

This is the last week for basketball for the freshmen team.  Last night, Preston's team beat Anderson County.  It was a pretty good game, and Preston seemed to play really well.  He even did a little time at point.  He had some awesome blocks too!  I am proud of him for all the work he has put into this season.

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