Thursday, May 7, 2020

not the A game

This has not been the best of weeks.  Jim hurt his shoulder and has been down a little bit, but has gone to the chiropractor and is starting to feel better I think.  I had to have 2 teeth pulled.  Honestly, getting them out made me feel a lot better!  To me, there is nothing worse than tooth pain.  Either way, both of us have been sort of taking it slow this week.  It has meant that the 'fun' activities have not been overly fun.  We are hoping that the rest of the week is a little more lively!  

Saige and I did use the abundance of apples we get from school lunches to make miniature apple pies.  I am sure that the school food program would frown on us adding their apples into a pie, but at least they weren't wasted this way!  :)  

They turned out great!  Of course, they could have baked for a little bit longer, but Saige was determined that they were done cooking (she wanted to eat them!).  We also used the milk and oranges to make orange Julius.  Of course, that lead into a conversation about hanging out at the mall and getting them from the little station in the food court.  I was then told that I am  'such a boomer' which is the greatest insult that you can be given by a teenager.  Just for the record, I was born in the 70' not a boomer!   Suck on that Preston!

I have started my summer tradition of getting up in the mornings and walking with Grace (on the phone since she lives in Wichita).  I enjoy the early mornings....birds singing, everything starting to wake up, sun coming up, nobody else up.  Last night, I finished the day by taking a walk with Saige.  I had taken a picture in the morning of the beautiful sunrise.  I had to take a second picture of the beautiful full moon shining through the trees.  With all the pandemic madness going on, I have been abundantly happy that we made the choice and sacrifice to move to the country.  The kids have so much space, room for critters, places to take walks that you can enjoy the beauty without ever seeing a single other person, and all the fresh air you could ever need to rejuvenate after a hard week.  I am abundantly blessed.  Of course, we are now asking a lot of questions which to me is harder than the decision to go into lock down.  The questions of "is it safe, is it time?"  I am hearing that we will have mass this weekend.  The school has said they will start summer weights and conditioning in June.  I teeter between we need to still stay in isolation and 'safe,' and this cannot possibly be how we live life, let's just get back to normal.  I have attempted to educate myself, reading as much as I can from both sides. The thing that sticks out to me the most is that we do not know what will be the right course of action until it is done.  It is also apparent to me that the top of our government is grossly underqualified to handle this situation, but that is a whole other post!  :)  

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