Monday, February 1, 2021

How? Why???

Friday night, Preston had a game in Osage City.  I drove the bus, and was happy to finally get to see him play again.  His team had a rather rough night, and he played some, but not a lot.  I don't think he is really enjoying the season, and it makes me a little sad.  He still works hard, and I am proud of him for it. 
Madison and Andrew had a little get away to KC, so Evelyn spent the night with Aunt Mal.  I got a kick out of the crazy bath/hair photos that Mallory was sending while I was watching basketball!  

Saturday we had zero plans, zero events to attend, zero commitments, and it sort of translated into zero ambition as well.  I got up and made sure Preston and Quincy got off for work, and then crawled back in bed.  We slept in, I read a book, Jim watched Hulu, and the little girls did a whole lot of nothing.  IT WAS DELIGHTFUL!  Seriously one of the best Saturdays we have had in a long time!  
Of course, a lazy Saturday turns in to a busy Sunday, because it just isn't realistic to think we can go a whole weekend without cleaning, cooking, planning, and laundry.  When we were in church, I looked down and noticed that I could see all of Harper's toes.  As in she had split out the fronts of both of her shoes.  She never said a word to me.  For the record, she does own other footwear, but said she didn't think these were "that bad" and didn't feel like wearing boots.  Needless to say, shoe shopping became necessary.  I didn't really have time to go shopping.  Luckily, Preston volunteered to take her.  So I threw him my debit card and he loaded her up and took her to find a new pair.  I have a tremendous love/hate with my kids learning to drive.  I did appreciate him taking her, and it only cost me getting to stop off for pizza for lunch!  I did get a lot done while they were gone, and I didn't have to cook lunch!  :)  
We had Sunday dinner, which I have grown to really look forward to and love doing....but the problem is that it is a signal that the weekend has flown by again.  When you live for weekends, it is always sad to see them end.  This week is another busy one, and while I am thankful that we are able to do all this stuff, I do love a low key day to just be still.  

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