Thursday, January 28, 2021

Shots and dogs pics

We found out a couple weeks ago, that as school personnel, we could get the Covid shots during phase 2.  We were not sure how long it would take in our county, but my mom and I were pleased to be told we could get our shots yesterday.  We went together, got our first shots and had lunch at the "new" Mexican place in Lyndon.  Evelyn was excited to go eat tacos!  She also may have cleaned out GG's purse for her.  Such a good little helper.  

We did not want to hang out in the health clinic.  I despise that place, so we did our 10 minute of waiting to see if we had a reaction in the car.  Evie was pretty worried about our shot arms!  :)  She is such a sweet little nurse.  I am so relieved to have started this process.  I have heard all the arguments about it.  Living in this county, there is plenty of resistance.  I was annoyed beyond belief at the man who was in the health clinic without a mask, demanding (in a nasty, loud voice) that they give him his shot because he saw that people over 65 could get one now.  Maybe it is wrong of me, but I sort of wanted to punch him.  I hate the pandemic.  It has made me see a lot of people in a different light.  People I have cared about my entire life, who refuse to believe science, who refuse to be part of the solution, people who I knew I didn't care for who just confirmed my feelings as being justified all making me feel like I really just dislike society as a whole.  Not to mention, I hate the feeling of worrying over little things that we have always taken for granted.  Things like sending my kids to school, going to work, going to the grocery store or a basketball game all now invoke anxiety.  I am willing to do whatever I need to do to get this mess behind us.  I was also able to get Jim on the list, he will get his shot during phase 3.  I will be happy when we all have it taken care of.   

In other news, Colin and Spencer got a new puppy.  He is a golden retriever they named Cashew.  He is just about the cutest thing ever!  I cannot wait to play with him.  I was told that Volt likes his baby brother!  I miss Colin and Spencer.  I am going to need to make a trip to see them soon!  
Cameron seems to have taken a liking to Lauren's new dog as well.  We sure are accumulating a lot of grand dogs!  :)  I guess a trip to Manhattan to see Cameron and Lauren is upcoming too.  I miss all of them, and I have a lot of new dogs to meet!  


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