Sunday, January 10, 2010

(Mis) Adventures in Parenting

This weekend has been interesting to say the least. The kids have been a little (lot) house bound because of the weather. They were supposed to return to school and I to work this week, however with Arctic wind chills and an abundance of snow, those plans got scrapped and we spent most of the week inside 'bonding' together in a house that has never felt so small before! Normally, I enjoy having no places to run, no worries, no kid activities, etc, however after coming off of maternity leave, and Christmas break, we, I believe have now had enough home time for a few days! That is why, when Colin asked if a friend could spend the night on Friday, we readily agreed. Thinking that he would have someone to keep him entertained and he would then in turn, leave his sisters alone. This worked for quite a while, the boy that Colin had over is a really nice kid, and he did indeed, keep Colin entertained. Until yesterday afternoon, when I stupidly agreed that they could go sledding in the field behind our house. Off they went, happily with their white trash sleds (trashcan lids) to a grand adventure. About an hour later, I sent Mallory out to yell for them because we needed to return the friend to his parents and it really is cold, so I felt that they had been out long enough. Mallory came back inside and reported that she could not find them. UUUMMMM - it isn't that big of a field how could you not find them? Well, she couldn't - so Jim went trudging through the snow to retrieve them, only to return quite a while later without them...I was not amused by this, as they had now been out in 9 degree weather for an hour and a half, and we have no idea where they are. I started calling Colin's neighborhood friends, convinced that he knows better than to go to their houses without telling me where he was heading. Nobody had seen him. Jim got in the van and went out driving around to look for them...and I am starting to really panic at this point. All I can think is of the pond that is out in the field and how they surely are in the bottom of it. The other kids are panicking too...Preston was even in tears. And then as Jim headed out for the second time in the van, a white truck flags him down and the woman asks him if he is looking for the boys she has with her...why yes, he was! My 11 year old son and his friend made the decision to go to their friend's house who happens to live behind us - now mind you - behind us there is an open field, and 4 miles on the other side of that field is where their friend lives. YEP, they walked 4 miles to a friend's house in the country, without telling me, in 9 degree weather, wearing tennis shoes and jeans, and then proceeded to ride home with a complete stranger. Can you say big trouble? Thank you God for sending them home safely, and for watching over them while they are young, venerable and ignorant! Needless to say, my house is going to be spotless, and I am not going to have to lift a finger this week!

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