Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ball season = OVER + more

Colin's team lost a hard fought battle tonight, and it was sad! They still got medals for being 2nd in the league. Colin spent the whole night at 3rd, and had some really awesome plays there. He also hit a home run.

Mallory and Madison played in the early game, and it was beastly hot! They lost, although they played their hearts out and it was a great game! Madison pitched the entire game, as she has for most of the season, and Mallory played on 2nd.

We were 3 for 3 on losing games tonight, and Preston's team was the only one to make it to a second round in the tournaments. They lost to Osage City and Preston was pretty sad because he really wanted a medal! Next year?

Quincy decided that she should wear this pumpkin hat that was left over from a few years back Halloween costume. She looked lovely at the ballparks tonight - fashion is her true calling, I am sure of it!

Quincy also has had a great time with her birthday gifts this week. She got some tattoos from my mom's friend Cindi. She had to wear ALL of the tattoos at the same time - and then decided it was a bad idea to go to the pool or take a bath because they might wash off. UH bathing WILL be done in this house! She also got a slip-n-slide and talked Cam into setting it up for her. These 3 had a great time slipping and slopping around on it! They said it was maybe more fun than the pool - and I am sure it was. I was not fond of the grass and mud that stuck to them though!

Although the other kids were not too happy with ball season coming to an end, Harper did a happy dance at the mention of all 3 losses! She has had enough ball for one summer! I am ready to move onto a new activity as well - I love going to the ballpark, watching my kids play, visiting with friends, and even having a nice batch of nachos, but by this time of the summer I am ready to have our evenings back!

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