Friday, July 2, 2010


I feel I have been MIA from blogging lately.

Harper is still eating baby food, but her new preference is whatever we are eating - she absolutely loves french toast and any kind of bread! She also has a new look, where she wrinkles up her nose and breathes in and out really fast, it is hilarious, but capturing it in a photo was not really easy, nor does it do the new look justice!

We have had one of those weeks. I feel that I have significantly run my rump off and I am ready for the weekend! Mallory and Madison worked in the local fireworks stand - the owner gave the 4-Hers 20% of the profits for the time that the club worked. I know they won't admit it, but I think they had fun! It has also been our week to maintain the 4-H fairground flowers. They are hanging in there, although they had gotten kind of weedy! Considering what our garden looks like right now, I am not sure we are the right people to be weeding anything though!

The nursing home up the street from us puts on a nice fireworks display. We just watch from our back yard, and I was really not going to take Harper up there considering that she is not at all amused by the neighbor's firecrackers. She seemed to do ok last night, so maybe she will endure this weekend after all! I had to put this picture on here of Quincy - she loves my friend Adreinne. She keeps coloring on her legs and arms and claiming that she wants a tattoo like Adreinne! Yesterday she had already had her bath when I discovered her legs were covered in marker!

Colin has been fishing almost daily all summer. Last night he caught this 9 pound beauty. He has been releasing some of the nicer ones in our pond, this guy has a new home! He has a few friends that he goes fishing with, and most nights Jim has to go over and drag him home!

We had lots of ball games this week, and the season is winding down. Next week will be the last week of regular games and then onto tournaments! It has been a fun season, but I am looking forward to the ending! (Don't tell my kids or husband - they are still having a ton of fun!)

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