Thursday, October 20, 2011

Preston is 7!

Yesterday was Preston's 7th birthday! He had a pretty good day I think! He is such a funny kid- I asked him what he wanted to take for his birthday treats at school and he said brownies. I said that will work - I bought brownie mix a while ago on sale. Exasperation filled his face and he said "Not that kind mom - you know the Little Debbie ones with sprinkles?" LOL! He knows what he likes - and Cosmic Brownies are definitely his favorite! Bonus for me - I didn't have to cook, and try to figure out how to cut a pan of brownies into exactly the same size pieces for his class! Preston is a very picky eater.....for his birthday dinner he requested corn dogs - with no vegetable side dish! :) At least it was easy cooking!

Preston is a great brother - he is generous, and kind to his siblings. He is also incredibly smart - I can't believe how his reading skills have taken off and he is reading big books now! He also gets a lot of compliments from his teacher regarding how nice of manners he has! We are very proud of you, Preston, and love that you are such a blessing!

Other news of the week - it has been a busy one. Besides Preston's birthday, we have worked the bees over for winter - the mentor treated the hive for mites. Don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but Cameron was a little disappointed that we forgot a step in the hive assembly (spraying the boxes with sugar) and so the bees were not interested in the top boxes - which is where you harvest honey from. Therefore, Cam got no honey from his hive this year. It was a hard lesson, but at least we didn't kill the bees, which means we can start again in the spring! We have been feeding them so there is plenty of food for them to survive the winter.

Cam also has been in his last week of football practices in preparation for his tournament this weekend. He is pretty excited about the tournament.

Colin's football season ended, and he started Jr. High wrestling this week. Of course, he loves wrestling and is pretty excited about the new season, as well as the new coach.

Mallory and Madison have been crazy busy with fundraising, and marching band. They had to play at senior night for volleyball this week, and I sold tickets for more squares on Cow Pie Bingo - I will be very happy when this little project ends tomorrow night!

Quincy got another yellow day at school. I asked her what she did and she refused to tell me. So I mentioned to her that if she didn't tell me, she may not get a piece of birthday cake. This is when she started jumping up and down, flailing her arms and yelling out LA LA LA LA LA LA LA! I grabbed her arm and said "stop that and tell me what you did at school to get in trouble" she responded "that is what I did" apparently this is not appropriate line behavior! I admit that I started laughing....I figure if acting like a 5 year old is what got her in trouble, then we are probably ok!

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