Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween= greatest holiday of the year!

The kids had a day off school today, so we enjoyed the afternoon carving pumpkins, and roasting the seeds!

We then got into costumes to head to grandma's house to trick-or-treat....followed by hitting up the neighborhood!

Madison made a measly attempt at a 'vampire' costume.....sad effort at best! She would not lay down and allow me to coat her face in fake blood!

Madison's attempt trumped Mallory though, as this is a n0 - effort put in at all costume. Later, she carried around Zodiac and said she was a plain clothes witch! SAD attempt!

Cameron put in a good effort this year....although I am not sure what you call this!

And the phantom ninja - well played Preston!

Quincy was a black cat - shhhh don't tell her that the sweatshirt is really navy blue!! :)

Despite my efforts to help Harper be the cutest rabbit in the world, she was not a willing participant in my Halloween expectations this year! She was clearly not amused with her rabbit ears, and she only wore the tail until she discovered it was back there, and that got thrown off as well!

Colin tried to tell me he was too old for Halloween.....however he was willing to put in a 1% effort on a costume in order to get to go to Grandma's (she gives out the good candy)!

Harper did wear the rabbit costume for a few minutes at a time....luckily I snapped photos quick! She helped Mallory answer the door tonight wearing no trace of the rabbit!

For Grandma, I will be a rabbit for 25 seconds! After we get home, you can forget it!

My tribe - scary enough on the average day, awesome on Halloween!

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