Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dream Boat

 Colin has been begging for a boat for a few years now.  Earlier this summer, he even tried to get by with an inflatable boat, which quickly became trash.  On Friday, Jim told him he may have a lead on a small aluminum john boat (all Colin really wanted).  Colin hopped right on his bike with a pocket load of his field lining money and bought this little boat.  He was beyond excited!  He even bartered for it, so he was proud of that too!

 Reason #2455 why Colin needs to pass his driver's test and get his own vehicle!  Incidentally, the boat will not be going back in my van until we get some rain and the water is less disgusting!  It wasn't bad on the way to the city lake, but on the way home I wanted to throw up!!

 Cameron (notice the championship medal is still around his neck?)  and Quincy were part of the maiden voyage.  Quincy just got taken for a spin around the lake, and was super happy about that!

 The boys fished off of the boat for a couple of hours.....unfortunately, they didn't catch much!
 Last night, I gave Saige some food and went about cooking dinner for everyone else.  It wasn't very long at all when I noticed she had eaten all of her I chopped her up some more only to notice
 she was being robbed by the brown eyed bandit!

Sorry Saige!!!

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