Friday, July 20, 2012

What money can buy

 I had to go to a job site at work today to take some photos of the rehab project that we are in the middle of.  I gotta say, for what it is costing, I thought that the dirt would be gold!  :)  The construction is going well, and I really am happy with the contractor, and excited that aside from some misplaced money (thank you state of Kansas for changing the computer system in the middle of this project) things are going very smoothly!  We are even ahead of schedule since although the dry conditions are not good for anything else, it has enabled us to take absolutely no days off for weather!

 Colin has been wanting a boat for a few years now.  I mean he has been begging and pleading for a boat for a few years now!  He spent some of his hard earned field lining money on this "boat" and has really had a fun time floating around on the city lake.  He has been promising Quincy that the next time we had an evening free, she could join him. 
Unfortunately, he had some sort of a mishap, and his new "boat" now has a hole in it.  He took it to the local mechanic, thinking they could put a tire patch on it, but it made the hole bigger.  He was pretty bummed out about it!  Luckily, he didn't pay much for it!

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