Tuesday, July 17, 2012


 Preston (above) and Quincy (below) had their tournaments start tonight.  Both their teams lost in the first round. 

 Not to say that they didn't play really well, because they did, they just didn't have what it took to win tonight!  Quincy's team is made up of a lot of really young girls (most are just barely 5 years old).  They tried really hard, but most of them just weren't worried too much about chasing a ball down, or about paying attention at all.  Quincy did a great job of paying attention and of trying to make some plays.  We are very proud of her. 

Preston's team never really learned to work together this year, they had a lot of talented kids, but each one of them forgot that there were teammates to look for help from or to count on.  I think this will come with age and maturity.  I also think that Preston had a couple of kids on his team who REALLY do not enjoy playing ball, and I hope that their parents will realize it and not force them to play again, because they were really not enjoying it at all. 
 Overall, I think that our kids have enjoyed summer ball, and the little ones seem to happily go to the ballpark and not complain about it.  I think they even enjoy it, but part of that may be that they have learned how to manipulate concessions (by asking daddy).

A public service, because that is what I do.....red Gatorade is a very bad idea.  Very bad!  Stick with yellow....or water.....or apple juice or anything that is not red.  When a 2 year old spills her red Gatorade, it  will stain your feet red. 

3 teams down --- 1 to go!!!  (Will that statement alone get me kicked out of the running for mom of the year???)

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