Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cam is a teenager....and weekend fun

 Cameron turned 13 years old today!  He decided that plain old frosting on his cake was not good enough....and ended up creating this masterpiece.  Cookie dirt and worms.  Seems somehow fitting for him?  He also smoked one of the turkeys that the nursing home gave the girls as a Thanksgiving gift, for his birthday dinner.  It turned out really yummy!

 Cameron is 'that kid'- the one that thinks he is a comedian, doesn't take life too seriously (unless KSU is playing), and is helpful to us a lot of the time without being asked.  Of course, his band teacher thinks he is the funniest kid that he has ever met, and takes every opportunity to tell us so! 
 We are very blessed by this kid, after all, without him, I would know a whole lot less about bees, a lot less about football trivia, I would not have my own fantasy football team, or my own coke reward account, and I would definitely not know what the sprite challenge is!  I am thankful that we call him our son!  Happy birthday Cam!
 Last night, I finally ventured out of the house for the first time in days.  I couldn't stand missing any more wrestling!  (Don't tell anyone, but I have seriously gotten into this sport).   Colin had a great night, and won all 3 of his matches.  Jim was the tournament announcer, and I must say that he was very well behaved considering he had a microphone in his hand for the whole night! 
 Cam went with me and helped me man the little well as being my event photographer.  He reported to me that it would be a lot easier to take pictures if Colin would hold the kids still a bit longer.  Colin promised to work on it!

 Colin is the one in blue with the lightening bolt up his back.  We won't mention what Jim had to say about his high school singlet!  :) 

 We have had a low key Saturday.  The kids have hung out with me, while the girls were at work and Jim took Cam birthday shopping where Cam purchased a coal miner's lamp with his birthday money.  He seems somehow convinced that Overbrook is going to be the next big coal town? 
 I haven't mentioned yet that Quincy wanted short hair.  I cut her hair several days back.  She then insisted I go shorter.  So I cut a little more.  She then had a complete meltdown because I refused to use the clippers on her!  She wanted her head shaved like the boys.  So not happening!
 Harper has decided that she must wear stocking hats....indoors, outdoors, at wrestling tournaments, when going to buy breakfast.....basically all the time.  Jim says this is a completely normal part of childhood.  :)

 Tonight was winter semi-formal.  Madison and Mallory had to work, so they had to go to work with their hair done, and then scramble home, get dressed and run like wild to get there.  I think they looked very nice despite putting a hair net over their hairdos!  They also picked out their own dresses this year, and since I really and truly hate shopping, I am once again finding myself thankful for their ability to drive!

They clean up pretty good!  I can't believe they are so grown up already!

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