Thursday, December 13, 2012

Quincy's 1st Grade Christmas Program

 Quincy had her 1st grade Christmas (or it might have been winter) program at school tonight.  She was pretty excited to wear her Christmas dress and even asked me to fix her hair.  She did not ask me to take her picture, and this was the result of me telling her to act happy about it.  Somehow, the bottom photo reminded me of Honey Boo Boo?  She does clean up pretty well! 

 She did a great job singing and seemed to know the words to the opposed to some of the kids who stood there looking blankly at the audience!

 And I was reminded again why 1st grade teachers need a degree in cat herding!

Aunt Geraldine was at the laundry mat today.  She gave Harper a cat stocking hat for her birthday.  Harper was beyond pumped up, since it meant that she has a hat that matches one Quincy had!  They were both running around with the hats pretending to be cats tonight!  My personal feeling is that this is an improvement over the Coors hat that Harper has been wearing a lot lately! 

Colin had a varsity wrestling meet tonight.  He did not fare well on the mats, but we are still very proud of him.  He said he had a good time!

Cameron attended Tuba Christmas today.  Apparently there were approximately 700 tuba and baritone sax players from all over the state all gathered in Cofffman Performance Center in Kansas City to play Christmas Carols.  I really wish I had gone, as it sounded like it was really awesome and he had a great time!  I am hoping that I can get my hands on some photos of the event from his band teacher.  He told everyone that he saw Bill Murray there, and several people believed him!  I think its funny that you can tell how old someone is by what they associate Bill Murray with.  The older you are, the more likely it is that you say Ghostbusters.  The kids Cam's age say Zombieland!  Both are good movies!  :)

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