Monday, August 26, 2013

our day was "fine"

I keep hearing things about the "dumbing down of America" - today I saw exactly that.  Preston had an infection between his baby teeth and his permanent ones.  Our dentist recommended that his baby teeth be removed to allow for the infection to clear up and hopefully no damage would occur to his permanent teeth this way.  The problem is that he does not do extractions in his office.  I miss the days when you went to your dentist and if you needed a tooth filled, or pulled, they just did it.  Now it seems there is a specialist for everything.  EVERYTHING.  So today we had an appointment with an oral surgeon.  They met with us and agreed that the teeth should be pulled.  Then they tried to set up an appointment to do it later.  I kindly explained that I had already pulled Preston out of school, and that we live 45 minutes away and asked if there was any possibility that they could just pull the teeth today.  The oral surgeon looked surprised, asked if I needed time to explain the procedure to Preston.  I told him that I felt we had already explained it to him, and that I really wanted to do it today.  That was the beginning.  The dentist told me he could squeeze Preston in.  Then he sent us to sit in the waiting room.  The waiting room held a small bathroom, which we immediately used.  As soon as we came out, a man went in and proceeded to vomit mercilessly for what seemed like an excessive amount of time.  When he emerged, I realized he was a transgender man/woman.  This started the questions rolling from Harper, who I tried to distract.  About then this family came in and the mom was obviously mad at her son.....I now know more about them than I ever needed to.  I wanted to tell her to stick a sock in it, but it was distracting Harper from asking any more questions about the scary bathroom dude.  It was about now that a boy came in with a service dog.  Saige is terrified of dogs and she started screaming and climbing me.  No amount of me assuring her it was a "nice puppy" would get her to stop screaming.  All I can say is THANK GOD the 2 teeth were baby teeth and it didn't take very long to get them out!  Preston did very well, and is feeling fine.  We then went to Wal-mart to get his pain medication - because the insanity of the dentist's office was not enough.  Wow!

 At least we got to come home to some relative sanity....and a kitty who was so happy to see us after spending the majority of the day alone!

I hope I can sleep this soundly later.....I have a feeling I may have nightmares.

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