Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year! (a few days late)

We didn't do anything spectacular this new year's eve.  Some of the big kids had plans with their friends, so that left Jim and I home with just the younger crowd.  We had some traditional party food and watched a little football and a couple of episodes of "Paw Patrol" which is the new show of choice if Harper is within 100 feet of the tv.  If I was being honest, I would say 2013 was not my favorite year.  We had a great deal of sadness and loss, a tremendous amount of large disappointment, and it seemed bad luck around every turn.  I was excessively happy to say goodbye to bad rubbish!  I spent the year trying to count my blessings, but sometimes that is just not easy.  And so, for me, I am happy that 2014 is here and the new possibilities seem endless!  New year - new mindset.  And we didn't all wake up on New Years day with a horrible stomach flu, so I feel we are off to a great start!!
 Old houses - the way they vented them is so lovely - - Adolf has discovered that of the 3 vents in the entire house, this one puts out the most heat....and so he has taken up residence there.  Or on a chair near here.  He apparently does not enjoy being cold.  At all.  Spoiled much?

 Teenage boys apparently do not like having their video games interrupted with requests for "new years photos" isn't he lovely?  Lovely I say.  He hasn't had much of a break, as he has had basketball practice most of the break.  He thinks his team is ready....??  We shall see!

 Best buddies.  Where Adolf is, Saige is usually not far away.  She loves the cat.  I think the feeling is mostly mutual!  He does sometimes take refuge on my lap -- or on my shoulders where he thinks she can't find him! 

 Ok mom, here is a most eloquent pose.  Take the photo quick though, as I cannot hold this look forever!
 Preston, why are you crying?  Well, because Colin kicked me in the stomach.....
Colin, what were you doing?  WHY would you kick him in the stomach?
 I swear it was a total accident mom, we were playing basketball!
Preston pipes in with its true mom, it was an accident.
All of this with a Nerf ball and over the door net?  We play smack down style apparently.
And Quincy has been begging all break to have short hair again.  Stay tuned for her new look.  I am happy about it because combing her long hair has been a torturous event for her as well as for me lately!

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