Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Just another day with police at our door

A couple months back, Jim was hired as the city court clerk.  It means one night per month of court, plus a few other duties, which Jim has been learning about.  One of the duties is making sure that the warrants are carried out.  Jim had to learn how to do this, which meant taking a trip to Lyndon with our city police officer.  The kids and I all had a huge laugh when the officer showed up in the patrol car to pick Jim up for their training this morning!  The kids had a little too much fun taking photos and begging me to post them on the blog!  :)  It really isn't a regular occurrence that someone hauls Jim off in a police car.

This has been a heck of a week.  Jim and I found our dream house.  It seriously had everything.  For me, it was love at first sight, and Jim was pretty quickly right beside me on the "lets buy it boat."  I cannot think of a  thing that is on my list of must haves that this place didn't have.  And it was priced fairly too.  Unfortunately, the house sold before we could get an offer placed.  To say we were disappointed - that just doesn't do it justice.  I am starting to develop a new idea for a novel - a little informational book called  'how to fail miserably at real estate.'  Is it wrong of me to hope that the people who placed the offer will be abducted by aliens and not be able to complete their transaction?  I am starting to think that real estate agents should use my skills.  If I love a place, it will sell in a couple of weeks, while other places sit for months on end without so much as a nibble.  All they have to do is tell the public I love the house.  :)
Life is full of disappointments.  We know that.  Wow do we ever know that!  At least we have our health.

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