Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cameron's last game

Tonight, the JV had their last game of the season against Iola. Cameron had a great game.  Because Mallory for whatever reason doesn't have school tomorrow, she came to watch and took photos.  She is a better photographer than I am!  
Cameron had several points, a bunch of rebounds, I lost track of his assists and he had 4 fouls.  It was a tough game. They lost by 3.  Fun to watch.  Well....not the losing part, but the game was good.  The boys played really well. 
It was a fun season.  I have really enjoyed watching.  The team really came a long way and are so much better than at the beginning of the season. 
We have a couple weeks off from high school sports before we plunge into spring activities.  This means the end of me sitting indoors! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you keep up with it all friend! I love catching up on what your kids are up to!
    We will be heading to the capitol in March for a page day, maybe we can get together!
