Sunday, January 29, 2017

We have had a crazy week this week. Tons of basketball games and activities and the kids have all taken turns being sick. Some had colds with terrible coughs and sore throats and some had the stomach flu, then they traded just to keep things fair. Jim and I spent the early parts of the week trading days of staying home from work, but by the end of the week I didn't have to trade because he was sick too.

I ended up running kids and keeping him posted via texting. Back in September, all the band booster parents took one day a month to bring breakfast to the band kids. Thursday was my turn. The high school basketball boy moms each take turns packing sack lunches for the boys to take to away games. Thursday was my turn. Quincy wasn't sick, so she got conned into helping us pack the lunches on our way to her game. The other moms were impressed with her efficiency. I think all the things I get roped into have made our kids very helpful!
Quincy had a good game! She had a couple points, several steals and was on fire rebounding. Her team really is improving with every game. I am happy she is enjoying it and learning.

Friday I tried something new and used the truck wash at Forbes for the bus. They do all the work. It was delightful but time consuming. I am happy to say the roads are dry again because the mud was ridiculous.

Friday evening, Cameron had a game at Osage city. He played quite a bit during the jv game. Uncle Steve came over to watch. At halftime they were down by 20, and Cameron had gotten 3 fouls in the first quarter. They were able to turn it around and we got to witness them come back from being down and win! It was a good game. (Unless you were from Osage!).

I am really hoping that the sickness stays with last week! This week is just as busy and we simply don't have time to be ill!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday- who doesn't love one?

My friend Adreinne is remodeling her kitchen. She asked me if I wanted a couple of things she was getting rid of. She brought me a couple of platters and threw in this lamb cake pan. Of course we had to bake a lamb cake just to show how awesomely it works! I know the pan is old, but I think they put less cake mix in a box these days. The lamb turned out but was a little thin! It didn't stop the kids from eating the whole thing!

Preston was playing with the dog. He asked her if she wanted to become a doggy burger. She was horrified! She is no longer speaking to him.

When Colin was about 8 years old, he came home from school one day and told me he wanted to wrestle with his friend Ethan. We had no experience with wrestling, no idea what we were agreeing to. Ethan's dad was the club coach, and agreed to let Colin come to practice for a couple of weeks to see if he liked it before we paid for it! Colin practiced in his socks because I was sure that he would hate it and buying him shoes would be a waste of money. Colin loved it. And after a while we did too. Watching Colin grow up with a group of boys who became like family was honestly one of the neatest things I have ever experienced. It is 10 years later and Ethan and Colin are still wrestling together. Today they wrestled in the Kansas Cup. Ethan placed 3rd and Colin placed 6th. I am proud of both of them. I am also thrilled that Colin has such a great friend!

Grandma was at the feed store and asked what they were going to do with this old display. They said they were going to throw it away. Well that just couldn't happen. Quincy is pretty excited about her new giant chicken. The kids decided it needed to sit in front of the window like a Christmas tree. There is never, ever a dull moment inside this house.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Basketball weekend

Last night Quincy and Cameron both had games. Jim took Quincy but there are no pictures. Her team won.
Cameron's team has been participating in a tournament at Royal Valley. They won their game last night as well. I had a good time texting Grace during the games because her niece and nephew both play for Royal Valley.

Today, Preston had his first game. His team played Mission Valley. I missed out on watching because I drove Cameron and his team back to Royal Valley for the last day of the tournament. Preston's team did not win and I got a couple of pictures because grandma was kind enough to take some for me.

Cameron's team did not win today either. Cameron had some good plays though, including sinking a 3 pointer from the half court line at the 3rd quarter buzzer.

As of that wasn't enough basketball, we are now hanging out watching KSU and enjoying being home for a little while!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Things on Thursday

It's "N" week at Saige's preschool. She made this cute nest. And just to show what an amazing parent I am- who is totally up to date on things, I helped her find her octopus to take for show and tell. Was I oblivious, or a whole week ahead? Who knows!

My Preston keeps life entertaining. Today I got a nice email from the school, and a not so nice one. Guess which kid got the nice one? That's right! This kid! He was asked to present his reading project to the school board. It was a pretty good project I guess! This morning I drove his bus. I was listening to the radio. I was having a hard time finding a station that would stay tuned in. It ended up on country music. When we go to the part of the route where I have 6th graders on the shuttle bus, Preston informed me he hated country music and that it was number one on his list of things he hates. I asked what was on the rest of the list. Tonight he presented me with the entire list. He makes me laugh.

Top 25 Things I Hate 
25. The State of Missouri 
24. Hypocrites
23. Octagons
22. Autobiographies
21. Miley Cyrus
20. Disney Channel 
19. SUVS 
18. DMVS
17. Clowns
16. The State of Alabama
15. The Golden State Warriors
14. Oklahoma City Thunder
13. Donald Trump 
12. Monday's
11. Small Playground Equipment 
10. The Name Geoff
9. Emojis
8. Osage City 
7. Kansas University 
6. The last piece of the loaf of bread
5. Kansas City Chiefs 
4. When I get a knot in my shoelace
3. The news channel 
2. Bad weather 
1. Country music 

Of all the things to hate, this list is pretty good I guess.
The not so nice email was for a different kid. The one who is a 5th grader. Apparently she and her bff need to learn some self control. She has been adequately punished and says she will fly right. I don't make excuses for her. Bad behavior is bad behavior. I will say that sometimes I feel schools don't focus on the things that actually matter. The ridiculousness sometimes gets the better of my patience level.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ice storm weekend

The weather people have been predicting a monster ice storm for this weekend. Saying inches of ice, impossible travel, dangerous conditions and probable power outages. Last Monday, Colin told me he and some friends along with my Cousin Travis were thinking about getting tickets to the Chief/Steelers game for Sunday's playoff game. He asked if he and a couple friends could come home and crash here this weekend. I said of course! Then I saw the weather report. I watched it all week and was near a point of panic at what I was seeing. I texted Colin and told him if he couldn't come home Friday afternoon, he should probably stay in Great Bend. He groaned about it, but figured out a way to get her by Friday afternoon. And it has done nothing. Nothing! Colin and his friend have laughed about it all weekend. "Sure are glad we missed that storm...we never would have gotten here!" Make fun all you want but it was missed by every single weather service. Colin admitted today that their college alert system warned them to leave campus early or cancel weekend plans and stay put.

Now I will freely admit to anyone that I covet days at home. I love to have a day with nothing going on. I love to wear sweat pants and cook up tasty foods. I love to catch up laundry and watch the shows I have on the DVR that I never have time to watch. I love the chaos of our lives, truly wouldn't change a thing, but a day at home is my happy place. So I stocked up on groceries, with ingredients for a few recipes I have been wanting to try and planned to hunker down and enjoy the gift of freedom from life. It has worked out beautifully. Quincy was supposed to be in a basketball tournament in Wamego, Preston was supposed to play in his first game of the season in Americus, Cameron had a home game against Anderson county, we were supposed to have a late holiday party after mass, and a few other things. All of it cancelled. All of it! And no storm. Which meant I didn't have to worry about the older girls traveling to work, or Colin going to watch his Steelers and yet here I sit at home! I feel like it was a bonus gift from God!

Preston and I have cooked a lot of amazing food this weekend too! We used the fry daddy and fried all sorts of vegetables. Yea, I know - take something good and turn it into- something amazing! We fried up mushrooms, jalapeƱos, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower. It was so good! Preston ate vegetables. Yes I realize fried vegetables hardly qualify as health food, but Preston eating any vegetable is a win for me!

I have amazing kids, a great husband, warm house, bellies full of comfort food and I love this life.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Quincy had a game tonight. She had a great game! She played as well on defense as I have ever seen her play and she had a basket too!! Her team won! She was pretty happy about that! She says it is because of her lucky Chicken socks. Thanks Aunt Grace!
Quincy is #15 in white.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Cameron is running for FBLA state president. He had to give a speech and attend an interview today. He looked like a presidential candidate to me! He said the speech went well and that he feels like he did a pretty decent job during the interview process. He also said there are 3 presidential candidates. I am proud of his motivation and ability to comfortably talk to people and give speeches. I believe his skills will take him far in life.

We hadn't been grocery shopping since before the holidays. We were far from not having dinner, but we have been making weird back if the cabinet food. Today I said I was out of creativity and so Jim and I ran grocery shopping. I also had to get a baby shower gift or I might have been tempted to put off the grocery shopping another day!
We picked the right day to go! Dillons had some awesome stuff in sale and some appliances on mega clearance. We scored! We got an air pop popcorn machine for $6.50! Of course, we then had to buy popcorn and try it out! Preston was happier about this purchase than I ever imagined a kid would be!

And true to my kids style, Colin and Preston made a ton of popcorn, and had a popcorn eating contest. It was hilarious when Colin easily beat him, and then Preston looked over and said " never said we could have a drink with it!" Classy boys I have!

This evening, Quincy and I bathed a chicken in epsoms salt, cleaned her with iodine and performed surgery on her feet. She had frost bite abscesses. She is recovering from her surgery in our living room, and I am hoping she can be transferred to the garage before the weekend is over. You really can learn anything on the internet! My real hope is that she lives. The chicken websites all agreed that without intervention, she would die. With intervention she had a 50/50 chance. We shall see. She seems perkier this evening and is drinking some water when offered. I took this as a good sign.

In addition to the popcorn machine, we also got a $7.25 fry daddy! This was a deal we just couldn't walk away from. Preston and Madison made fried chicken and French fries. Preston declared he didn't know how we have been living life without this amazing kitchen tool. It has been a good Saturday!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday things

The kids had to go back to school today, but Mallory was home for half the day. She sent me this photo of Blitz. Apparently, she needed a day to control the remote! Who doesn't?

I ran over to meet Saige's preschool bus and she wanted her picture taken with the weird snowy bushes. They did look neat, but it would be neater if I could look at it through the window and never go out in it! I did not enjoy my morning bus driving on partially snow packed roads, nor cleaning the Watershed sidewalks on the 9 degree morning. If one person says we didn't have a cold enough winter to kill the bugs next summer, I will personally remind them of this day.

I had to share the above post from the SFT facebook page. I found it incredibly amusing that Cameron doesn't need his last name listed. Apparently, he is famous like Cher and Elvis? I know it was him (not only because I don't believe there are a lot of Cameron's at SFT) because he sent me this photo.

Our Godson, Stanley, made us a really neat wall hanging. I love it! Colin helped me today by centering and hanging it. I appreciated that too!
Thursday was a good day despite the weather!